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这是一个大谜题。It's a huge puzzle.

我喜欢你的字谜。I loved your puzzle.

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这还是个很大的谜题And this is a deep puzzle.

这个谜无法解。The puzzle defied solution.

人生是一道难题,解答它。Life is a puzzle — solve it.

你能解这个迷吗?Can you work this puzzle out?

解开那疑团并活下来。Solve the puzzle and survive.

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自创一张充满惊喜的贺卡拼图。Create a greeting-card puzzle.

它是一幅拼图。我喜欢拼图。It's a puzzle. I like puzzles.

我会试着解这道难题。I'll have a shot at the puzzle.

所以笑是一个难解之谜。So, laughter is kind of a puzzle.

这是一种智力拼板游戏。This is intellectual puzzle game.

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将每本书当作是一个七巧板。Treat a book like a jigsaw puzzle.

但是在当时,他们是一个迷。But at the time, they are a puzzle.

生态效率保险费的难题The Eco-Efficiency Premium Puzzle !

就像字谜中的一个空格。It is like one piece of jack puzzle.

我不知道如何解这个迷。I don't know how to solve the puzzle.

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情迷在我的心里,存在有一个迷。In my heart, there has been a puzzle.

扫雷是一款非常流行的益智游戏。Minesweeping is a famous puzzle game.

这一次对我来说是很困惑。This one was quite the puzzle for me.