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那些不知去向之珠宝的确切“价值”弄得清楚吗?。Is the exact value of the missing jewels ascertainable?

即使一个小男生的戏言也可能有一些真义。Even a schoolboy's jape is supposed to have some ascertainable point.

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和解合同的典型内容为确定效力。Ascertainable effect is the essential content of a compromise contract.

对敌人的部署是通过间谍单独确定的。The dispositions of an enemy are ascertainable through spies and spies alone.

分散的事物达到一定可确定的密度与世界之重相交。Scattered matter, brought to an ascertainable density, closed, with the weight of the world.

你根据确切的事实做出理性的决定,随着时间的推移,你会得到一个满意的结局。You make rational decisions based on ascertainable facts, you will get a good result over time.

自动确定聚类数和海量数据的处理是谱聚类的关键问题。Ascertainable clustering number and large training sets are vital problems of spectral clustering.

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沃伦巴菲特你根据确切的事实做出理性的决定,随着时间的推移,你会得到一个满意的结局。WARREN BUFFET You make rational decisions based on ascertainable facts, you will get a good result over time.

仲裁员的主要职责是在合理确定的真实情况下,提供准确的裁决。An arbitrator's primary duty remains the delivery of an accurate award, resting on a reasonably ascertainable picture of reality.

这就是说,在对足够多的个体系列进行观察时,可以发现一个能确定的人类行为的范围。That is, there is an ascertainable range of human behavior that is found wherever a sufficiently large series of individuals is observed.

在自动确定聚类数谱聚类算法的基础上,提出了一种能处理大规模数据集的多层算法。This paper proposed a multilevel algorithm based on spectral clustering of ascertainable clustering number, which can cope with large training sets.

尽管在20年之后,其没有固定的截止日期,该截止日期和该土地停止使用与某种明确的目的相联系。Although there is no definite ending date after the 20 year term, that date is tied to the cessation of the use of the land for certain definitely ascertainable purposes.

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只有当我们能理解我们的形势,事实清晰确定,行动方案显而易见的时候,我们才能真正放松,面带笑容。When we really sit back with a smile on our face is when we run into a situation we can understand, where the facts are ascertainable and clear, and the course of action obvious.

我相信这对于得到精神改变是至关重要的方面——微小的但是可以察觉到的改变将在移情中发生而且也在患者的内在世界发生。I believe that this is an import aspect of achieving psychic change – by minute but ascertainable changes that take place within the transference and hence in the patient's internal world.