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我们忽视了谁?Who did we overlook?

我应该忽视这个问题吗?Should I just overlook it?

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眺望著这一片的花海。Overlook a space of flowers.

我请求你宽恕我的失礼。I beg you overlook my rudeness.

卢克从南凯巴布径。Overlook from South Kaibab Trail.

不要忽视了案中的细节。Don't overlook the details of case.

我决定宽恕他的刻薄。I decided to overlook his unkindness.

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一座高高的山俯瞰着城镇。A very high mountain overlook the town.

我俯视洋洲山川。I overlook oceans, mountains and rivers.

不应忽视困难。We should not overlook the difficulties.

“俯视”的意思就是从高处往下看。Fushi" means to look down at, or overlook."

中国奥委会主席刘鹏表示,“有一些问题不容忽视。There are a few problems we cannot overlook.

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了望塔忽略了中央战场。Watch Towers overlook the central battlefield.

不要怠忽“粘贴并搜刮”和“粘贴并访问”。Don't overlook Paste and Searc and Paste and Go.

我将远眺这世界的无奈。I will overlook the inconveniences of the world.

智慧就是知道什么应该漠视!Theart of being wise is knowing what to overlook.

从我们的阳台上就可以俯视城市花园。We can overlook the city garden from our balcony.

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我这次可以不计较,但下不为例。I'll overlook it this time, but don't do it again.

你回头看历史,这一点你是没法忽略的。When you go back in history, you cannot overlook that.

我们在山腰上可以俯视整个港口。We can overlook the whole of the harbor on the hillside.