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有这样一句话,说不存在无上完美幸福的爱情。It has been said that completely blissful love does not exist.

我是有福的,我确信万物都理当如此。I was blissful and sure that all things were as they should be.

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那两个人欢欢喜喜,不言不语,对这份财宝注视了一会儿。The two men contemplated the treasure a while in blissful silence.

你的冥想可能一天充满喜乐和祝福而另一天却充满挑战。Your sadhana may be blissful one day and very challenging the next.

享受持续51分钟的喜悦感,体验连续而令人陶醉的音乐按摩!A non-stop euphoric musical massage experience lasting 51 blissful minutes.

为什么不让自己快乐地享受这三个月的放松呢?Why not treat yourself to blissful silence and relaxation for three months?

发自内心的爱让你觉得充满活力、精神焕发和幸福无比。When love radiates from your Heart you feel vibrant, energized and blissful.

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这样的法座也让讲法者非常喜乐和具有威力。Such a throne also make the one expounding become very blissful and powerful.

我抱紧他们,希望从他们身上吸取一点我渴望的宝贵睡眠。I'd hold them close to try to absorb some of the blissful sleep that I craved.

我喜欢有点胖的男人,觉得他们淳朴,善良,成熟,稳重,有福气。I like a stronge plumply man, I feel they are honest, virtuous, adult, blissful.

我们是德佑豪宅别墅专家,您的需求就是我们的使命!无论白天黑夜!We are experts in Blissful luxury villa, your needs is our mission! Day or night!

我认为没有人总能得到纯粹的,乐而忘忧的快乐。I don’t think anyone can achieve pure, blissful happiness 100 percent of the time.

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她们说我象只安静受伤的猫,不言不语只睡觉。They said I looked like only injured the cat quiet, blissful silence only to sleep.

温斯顿飘飘然坐在那里,也没有注意到酒杯里又斟满了酒。Winston, sitting in a blissful dream, paid no attention as his Glass was filled up.

麦格正陶醉在一个甜蜜的梦里,远远超脱于面包奶油之类的俗事之上。Meg was in a blissful dream lifted far above such common things as bread and butter.

带回来很多我年轻的时候在布茹阿佳苦行的极乐的记忆。Bring back lots of blissful memories of the austerities of my youthful days in Vraja.

但在下个世纪,政府就不能为自己的盲目乐观找借口了。But in the next century, governments will have no excuse for their blissful ignorance.

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然后你将如何发现那种“沉浸在热泡泡浴中”的幸福感觉呢?So how can you find that blissful "just sliding into a hot bubble bath" kind of feeling?

只有我们的名字被呼唤,我们的灵魂才能进入永恒的极乐世界。Only upon hearing our names called, are our souls allowed to enter into a blissful eternity.

有时候,融洽生活多年的夫妇也会劳燕分飞。In some cases, the relationship might go downhill after having spent a couple of blissful years together.