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这是一张模仿画。This is a pastiche.

娜拉有唱歌的天赋。He has a gift for pastiche.

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轻喜剧是18世纪风格的集合体。The operetta is a pastiche of 18th century style.

如果我用自己的风格来写一个历史故事,那将是一件“复制古董”而乏善可呈。If I used my own style to write a story in the past, it would be a pastiche.

看得出来,那丝制的扶手套是模仿十八世纪风格而设计的。The silk that covered it , a clever pastiche of an eighteenth-century design, was one I recognized.

这里的建筑都是仿造诺曼、哥特和希腊的建筑风格,大多老旧而布满层层尘垢。Structures were a pastiche of Norman, Gothic and Greek architecture, most old and layered with grime.

约翰拉得为这个场合作的颂歌,我听起来像是紧张拼凑的英语合唱乐。John Rutter’s anthem for this occasion sounded to me like a nervous pastiche of generic English choral music.

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但他是西方乐手,演奏西式架子鼓,并非单纯模范韩国音乐。But he is a western musician, plays western drum kit, and it is not a simple pastiche of Korean musical tropes.

本文认为,在后现代文化再生产的过程中,戏仿比仿作具有更强的生产力。It figures out that the parody way is more productive than the pastiche one in the post-modernized culture reproduction process.

但正是我们这些有不同文化和宗教背景的人比邻而居,造就了纽约伟大的文化融合。But it is precisely our proximity to people of other cultures and religions that makes New York City the great pastiche that it is.

也许它更像是导演兼剧作的亚当布鲁克斯所创作的伍迪艾伦温馨版作品,然,拿出伍迪艾伦最近的作品一比较,这部影片还更加令人赏心悦目呢。Maybe writer-director Adam Brooks has made a fluffy Woody Allen pastiche here, but it's arguably more pleasing than anything Allen himself has done lately.

在短短三年建立,泰晤士小镇是仿照英国传统的集镇,横跨世纪仿作的英语体系结构和特性。Built in just three years, Thames Town is modeled after a traditional English market town, and features a century-spanning pastiche of English architecture.

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游戏一开始就用真实和虚拟的新闻画面,拼贴出令人目不暇接的国际冲突和经济摇摇欲坠景象,模糊了事实和虚构之间的界限。The game begins with a dizzying pastiche of real and simulated news footage about foreign conflicts and the failing economy, blurring the line between fact and fiction.

电脑游戏“愤怒的安纳”简直就是“愤怒的小鸟”的翻版,这个让人上瘾的简单小游戏已经悄然成为最受用户欢迎的应用。The computer game, "Angry Anna," is a straightforward pastiche of "Angry Birds," a simple yet addictive game that has become one of the most downloaded apps of all time.