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收购再退出的操作,将同时提振并购和IPO市场。Buyout exits will lift both the M&A and IPO markets.

这些动向将如何改变本地并购生态圈?How is there emergence changing the local buyout scene?

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上市公司并购实际上是控制权收购。In fact, M&As of listed-company is control power buyout.

股市受乐观情绪推动上涨,也阻碍了公债上涨.A rally in stocks on buyout optimism also hindered bonds.

在此之前,蔡崇信任纽约外购管理公司副总裁及法律顾问。Previously, Joseph worked in a management buyout firm based in New York.

目前2300人的裁员目标里已有1100名员工接受了自愿离职买断协议。About 1100 employees accepted the buyout package aimed at cutting 2300 jobs.

而在泡沫里最关键的因素当然还是期望获利的投资者。Among the key enablers of the buyout boom were investors searching for yield.

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沃尔沃并购案是中国购入欧洲汽车品牌的第一宗,而且发生在中国代替美国成为世界上最大的汽车消费国仅一年后。TheVolvo buyout is the first Chinese takeover of a premium European car marque.

而一旦与收购交易捆绑在一起的债券售不出去,银行就被套住了。And banks are often on the hook when they can't sell bonds tied to buyout deals.

据透露,李·卡特莫尔在和桑德兰签订的合同中含有买断条款。Lee Cattermole has a buyout clause in his Sunderland contract, it has been revealed.

至于有多少员工预计将接受买断建议,福特并未给出明确目标.Ford did not provide a target for how many workers it expected would take the buyout offers.

这可能会把所有以外域一口价定价的物品过滤到物品栏的底部。This should filter all of the items with outlandish buyout prices to the bottom of the list.

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通过与分析师的电话会议,巴茨拒绝回答任何关于收购的问题。During a conference call with analysts, Ms. Bartz declined to comment about any buyout talks.

但是一些私募股权投资者却正在收购的废墟中搜寻利润。But some private equity investors are searching for profits in the detritus of the buyout bust.

作为并购的一揽子计划的一部分,这两个西雅图搞技术的家伙从中国公司分到了股票。As part of their buyout package, the tech guys from Seattle were given stock in the Chinese company.

2008年,他买下了华盛顿邮报的股权,从此结束了他全职员工的生涯。In 2008, he took a buyout from The Washington Post, ending his career as a full-time employee there.

人们都去钓对冲基金,企业并购公司,优秀银行或创业基金。People are angling for new jobs at hedge funds, corporate buyout shops, boutique banks and startups.

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2007年信贷市场解体之时,杠杆收买潮迅即完毕,留下哀鸿遍野。When the credit markets collapsed in 2007, the leveraged buyout boom abruptly ended, leaving damage.

不过业内人士认为,这次与德州太平洋的合作让鼎晖投资获得有关美国收购流程的宝贵经验.Industry insiders say working with TPG on the deal gave CDH vital experience of U.S. buyout processes.

这将是2008年3月以来,日本最大的一笔涉及外资买断的私募股权交易.It would be the largest private equity deal in Japan involving a foreign buyout firm since March 2008.