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我以前见过你。你似乎犹豫不决。I saw you before. You seemed hesitant.

她迟疑不决的手指几乎碰到了他的裤子。Her hesitant fingers almost touched the cloth.

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柯腾展开了追求,沈佳宜则犹豫不决。Ko started pursuing Shen but Shen remained hesitant.

派蒂感到犹疑,因为这也许会引致其它的事端。Patty is hesitant because it may lead to other things.

他还发现自己的儿子,本·天行者,不愿使用原力。He also found that his son, Ben, was hesitant to use the Force.

水瓶座的人对于下命令和指挥人做事都会显得犹豫不决。Aquarians are hesitant about giving orders and directing people.

宙斯不忍处死她,但决定好好惩罚她。Zeus was hesitant to kill her but decided to seriously punish her.

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强似在神寺圣殿里踟躇徘徊。Be superior in the temple of God temple remained hesitant hesitate.

她犹豫了一下,没有提迭戈在这儿流亡的事。She was hesitant to mention the part about Diego being exiled here.

我很犹豫是改主意写一篇表单教程,还是按原计划写写容器和自定义服务?I am hesitant to do a Form tutorial because of the proposed changes.

他的所为使得他的朋友们对接受邀请犹豫不决。What he had done made his friends hesitant to accept the invitation.

她站在那儿迟疑了片刻,然后拿定主意向汽车站疾步走去。She stood hesitant for a minute and then struck out for the bus stop.

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太夫人没有做声,眼底却有犹豫闪动。Too the madam didn't speak, but the eye bottom is hesitant to twinkle.

肯尼亚政府一直犹豫着是否将非法占用的土地合法化。The Kenyan government is hesitant to legitimize illegally squatted land.

炎弃无力的扶额,没有时间犹豫和软弱了。Burning leave nerveless hand a amount, have not time hesitant and languid.

于是玉娇就是否拾此玉镯而犹豫不决。So Sun Yujiao was hesitant on whether to pick up the jade bracelet or not.

我知道我们有很多东西,但是当时我还在犹豫要不要开始处理它们。I knew we had too much stuff, but I was hesitant to start dealing with it all.

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它与反对派的对话也很迟疑且看起来并不真诚。Its offers of dialogue with the opposition were hesitant and seemed insincere.

自信地询问的人会比那些犹犹豫豫、没有把握的人得到更多。People who ask confidently get more than those who are hesitant and uncertain.

她的老板毫不隐瞒地表示,之所以没有晋升她的职务,只是因为她是一位女性。Her employers were openly hesitant about promoting her-because she was a woman.