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我是服了你了,小姑娘。I give you best, lassie.

是的。她的名字是蕾西。Yes. Her name is Lassie.

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你看过一个姑娘吗?Did you ever see a lassie?

你有没有看到一位姑娘?Did you ever see a lassie?

你有没有看见一位姑娘?。Have You Ever Seen a Lassie?

这个小姑娘舞跳得非常好。The lassie dances very well.

难道我得像灵犬莱西那样汪汪叫吗?Do I have to bark like Lassie ?

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杰迈玛是一个15岁的美丽漂亮的高地少女。Jemima was a bonny Highland lassie of 15.

她是一个开朗又可爱的小妞。She's a bright lassie and a lovely one, too.

你有没有看到一个小姑娘,一个小姑娘,一个小姑娘。Did you ever see a lassie, a lassie, a lassie.

你看见一个少女了吗?走这边和那边。Did you ever see a lassie? Go this way and that.

我们再也找不到像莱西那么聪明的狗了。We will never have another dog as smart as Lassie.

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这听起来像电视剧新灵犬莱西,但这是真的,不瞎编。It sounds like a Lassie TV episode, but it's truth, not fiction.

在美国,有一个老的电视节目叫做“少女”提高了狗的受尊重程度。In the US, an old TV show called Lassie reflect this respect for dogs.

莱西在离开主人家几百英哩处逃离出来,开始返回真正主人之家的旅程。Hundreds of miles away from her true family, Lassie escapes and sets out on a journey home.

记得灵犬莱西在街上全速奔跑寻求帮助的画面吗?Remember when Lassie sprinted off down the road to find help because Timmy had fallen into a well?

第二天早上,他在跑步,而我只散了散步,他的那只很忠诚的混血狗与往常一样跑在我们的前面。Next morning he jogged, while I walked, with his faithful mongrel Lassie running ahead of us as usual.

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其他登榜的还有美国的主持人约翰尼·卡森、歌手约翰尼·卡什和神犬莱西。Among other names on the list were US TV host Johnny Carson, singer Johnny Cash and canine star Lassie.

他告诉我,我是他所见过的最与众不同的女孩子,他希望我们能一同分享它温暖的小窝,直到永远。He told me I was the most special lassie he'd ever met and that he wanted us to share his kennel for ever.