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削球稳且反攻凶狠。Chopping stability and vicious counterattack.

反击几乎立刻就开始了。The counterattack started almost immediately.

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汽车要对农用车反攻倒算?。Will automobile counterattack farming vehicles?

敌人的反击对我们来说不成问题。Yuke Squadron We can handle the enemy counterattack.

还没发觉有敌人反击状况。Yuke Landing Force No enemy counterattack detected yet.

1942年11月,俄国人发起了一场反攻。In November 1942, the Russians launched a counterattack.

朱可夫的这个决定使得苏军免于失败。It was Zhukov's decision to counterattack that prevented the Soviet defeat.

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反击中的巴萨非常快速危险,我们为此付出了代价。They are very quick and dangerous on the counterattack and we paid for that.

人类对生态系统的攻击已经引发其反击。The human attack on the ecosphere has instigated an ecological counterattack.

国共两党达成一致共同抵抗日本侵略者。CPC and KMT arrived at an agreement to counterattack the Japanese invaders together.

因此眼镜王蛇可以从容征服他们的“晚餐”而不必遭受毒液的反击。The king cobra can subdue its dinner without suffering from any venomous counterattack.

赤卫队在一次策划反击中,潘母为救所有人牺牲了。Red Guards in a planned counterattack in the Pan mother to save the expense of the owner.

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苏尔特人平易近的一次还击致否决派猬缩20千米。People of Sirte have done a Counterattack and have pushed rebels back further 20 kilometers.

反击式破碎机检查液压系统动作是否可靠,有无渗漏现象。Counterattack crusher check whether reliable, hydraulic system without leakage action phenomenon.

联合美日,反攻大陆,解救十三亿中国人。Joint US Japan, counterattack against the mainland, save one billion three hundred million people.

战斗在螳螂拳功夫风格防范准备攻击你和反击。Fighting guard in the Praying Mantis Kung Fu style prepares you for an attack and to counterattack.

您希望立即获得该信息,以便能够采用突击销售或其他策略进行反击。You want the information immediately so you can counterattack with a sudden sale or other strategy.

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在长达一周的夏季反攻中,士兵们用尽了弹药。During the summer counterattack that lasted for one week, the soldiers had used up all the ammunition.

伊朗领导人清楚,极具破坏性的反击会带来各式导弹的袭击。Iranian leaders would know that a devastating counterattack would certainly follow any missile launch.

你还需要各自为政的各部门在你的反击战中相互合作。You would also need to get turf-conscious departments to work together in mounting your counterattack.