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当最终霍克先生赢得竞价,拍卖大厅里响起了热烈的掌声。When the wining bid went to Mr. Hook, the salesroom burst into applause.

茅台不仅在拍卖场上“走红”,在市场上的销售价格也是扶摇直上。Maotai is not only on salesroom "popular", in the market sales price is also soared.

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营业部里装的家具十分拥挤,不可能再放进任何家具了。There was so much furniture in the salesroom that it became impossible to fit any more in.

一旦您访问他们的门市,甚至他们的网站,你将能够看到这些优秀的汽车音响系统。Once you have visited their salesroom or even their website you will be able to see the caliber of these car sound systems.

公司在轻纺城北交易区一区精品一条街1311号、135号设有门市部。Our salesroom is located at NO. 1311, NO. 135 First Floor One Area North Market Textile City, Keqiao Shaoxing County , China.

公司在轻纺城北交易区精品一条街1311号,135号设有门市部。Our salesroom is located at NO. 1311, NO135 First Floor One Area North Market Textile City , Keqiao, Shaoxing County , China.

人声鼎沸的拍卖大厅里,10位买家对这尊六英尺高的雕塑作品展开竞价,雕塑于1960年构思并在一年之后完成。In an overflowing salesroom 10 bidders competed for the six-foot-tall sculpture, which was conceived in 1960 and cast a year later.

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店主人是学美术的,店堂里挂着很多他自己的作品,右侧一个半开放的小间是他的工作室。The shop owner person studies the fine arts, in the salesroom hangs are being very many he the work, right flank a half opening small space is his work room.

公司设有面向国外客户的进出口部和面向国内市场的门市部,拥有一定规模的销售网点和一系列健全的销售服务系统。We have export & import department fits overseas customers as well as salesroom fits domestic market, and sales branches of certain scale and a series complete service system.

与此同时门市及售后服务部在京郊大地落成。届时填补了起重设备售后服务方面的空白。In the meantime, our salesroom and after-sale service department have been completed in the outskirts of Beijing, which fills up the blank of the after-sale at the appointed time.

因此,控制沙门菌的污染来源和生鸡肉销售的温度条件是控制沙门菌污染的手段之一。Thus, in addition to controlling the microbial source, keeping the temperature of storage room and salesroom as low as possible is also an important measure to prevent Salmonellae contamination.