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这真是仙境中的爱丽丝。This is truly Alice in Wonderland.

尚存一息我眼见了仙境。As I was hang there, I see wonderland.

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她把这里叫做“砍价乐园”。She called the destination "a bargain wonderland."

你也想体验一次仙境旅程吗?Ever wished you take that hot date on trip to Wonderland?

香气扑鼻,人间仙境。Smell the miraculous fragrance, fell like in a wonderland.

有时候,觉得这个世界真的很假、很虚伪。Sometimes I find the world to be such a wonderland for hypocrites.

请让他们在自己的温柔乡里静静地睡。Please leave other people sleep peacefully in their own wonderland.

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走在香港迪斯尼乐园里,你仿若进入了一个仙境。Walking into Hong Kong Disneyland, you feel you are in a wonderland.

当你踏入史瓦兹玩具城,就进了一座玩具乐园。When you step into FAO Schwarz , you step into a wonderland of toys.

它就是密歇根州法兰克幕斯城的布朗纳圣诞乐园。It is called Bronner's CHRISTmas Wonderland in Frankenmuth, Michigan.

现在,你进入了洛俪塔的香水世界,如同爱丽丝漫游仙境。Now, you can enter the world of perfume, like Alice wonderland claim.

这里是旅游者的仙境并成为加拿大西部的游乐场。They are a visitor’s wonderland and the playground for western Canada.

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紫云景区位于广西贺州市八步区鹅塘镇栗木村。Purple cloud wonderland lies in the Limu Village Etang Town Hezhou City.

2010年,我又踏上这片土地,重新感受那份秘境中的绚烂。I went to Xinjiang again in 2010 to recapture the beauty of the wonderland.

两年前我去托斯卡纳旅行,那儿的风景真是太美了。I’ve had a trip to Tuscany two years ago. It's really a scenic wonderland.

这本书是常被缩写名称“爱丽丝梦游仙境。Thee book is often referred to by the abbreviated title Alice in Wonderland.

在将来,我相信昆山会是一个非常美丽,非常适合人类居住的一个城市。In the future, I believe Kunshan will be a wonderland for people in the world.

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带着她在大观览车上转一圈,再为她赢一个泰迪熊。Tabled in Wonderland with her round the car, and then win a teddy bear for her.

她是由路德维希建造,路德维希被人们称为生活在梦境中的国王。It was built by Ludwig who was considerer to be the king living in the wonderland.

我经历,我学习,我成长,惟有一年一年收获,方可达致生命之花园。We may not get there in one year, but we will get there--- the wonderland of life.