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他替我说情。He interceded in my behalf.

我代表理查德·迪安……On behalf of Richard Dean...

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代她在合同上签了字。I signed the contract on her behalf.

我就替她来领这个宝贝吧。I’ll accept this baby on her behalf.

一种廓形代表一个时期的时代已经过去了。A profile on behalf of a period gone.

我代表你签署了该文件。I signed the document on your behalf.

我谨以国家名义向世界道歉。On behalf of my country, I apologise.

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奥古斯都于是为他出庭。Augustus appeared on the man's behalf.

对我们的诗人来说那是一种牺牲。It's a sacrifice on our poet's behalf.

他将代表我去参加那个会义。He will attend the meeting on my behalf.

我叫它为小希,代表希望。I call it small Greek, on behalf of hope.

如果人不在颁奖现场可以代领其比赛所得的奖品吗?Can I take the award on behalf of my friends?

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这是暴徒为聘用工作的名义法西斯。It's thug-for-hire work on behalf of fascists.

代表ICD和客户进行谈判和签署合同。Negotiate and sign contracts on behalf of ICD.

Wang读了道歉信代表他们的。Wang read a letter of apology on their behalf.

这就是伟大的哈尼族,谢谢你代表所有。That's great Hani , thank you on behalf of all.

或者是你阿姨代你写的?。Was your aunt the correspondent on your behalf?

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左爪握着13支利箭,代表战争。Zuozhao holding lever 13, on behalf of the war.

她为某慈善机构举行一场钢琴独奏会。She gave a piano recital on behalf of a charity.

我们以布莱恩。罗伯森OBE的名义发出这份声明。Statement issued on behalf of Bryan Robson, OBE.