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伏尔加酒店建设场景。Volga Hotel construction.

孩子们在伏尔加河上旅行。Children travelling to Moscow on Volga river.

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我还在伏尔加河上的一条渔船上呆过几天。I even spent some days on ariver boat on the Volga.

1950年建设前的伏尔加河岸。Bank of the Volga river before the plant construction in 1950.

伏尔加河以及乌拉尔河都有流入里海。The Volga River and the Ural River discharge into the Caspian Sea.

俄罗斯西部城市,位于莫斯科东南偏东的伏尔加河畔。A city of western Russia on the Volga River east-southeast of Moscow.

伏尔加地区是俄罗斯主要的春小麦种植区。The Volga region is one of Russia’s primary spring wheat-growing areas.

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有多支河流注入里海,其中最大的一条是伏尔加河。Multiple rivers empty into the Caspian Sea, the Volga being the largest.

阿斯特拉坎是俄国的一座普通的城市,坐落于伏尔加河畔左侧。Astrakhan is an average Russian city, which lies on the left bank of Volga river.

雪夫苏联欧洲部分中部偏东一城市,位于伏尔加河上、莫斯科东南偏东。A city of east-central European U. S. S. R. on the Volga River east-southeast of Moscow.

但今年,从里海来伏尔加河产卵的鱼群数量减少了。But this year, fewer fish are coming into the Volga delta from the Caspian Sea to spawn.

伏尔加河上建起的电站,萨马拉河岸筑起的港湾,在众多的工程建设项目里也只是冰山一角。Building a power plant on the Volga river and erecting a bay in Samara are just a few examples.

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上周,他驾驶着他前苏联时代的伏尔加嘎斯21汽车送了俄罗斯主教一程。Last week he took to the wheel of his Soviet-era Volga Gaz-21 car, giving Russia's patriarch a lift.

他要留在伏尔加河,一直等到悲剧降临,而戈林的骗不了人的瞎话在这一点上给他帮了忙。He wanted to stay at the volga until tragedy befell, and goring's transparent lie helped him to do it.

萨马拉湾绵延5公里,是伏尔加河岸唯一属于疗养区的港湾。The bay length is 5 km. Samara is the only city on the Volga bank where bays belong to recreational zones.

弗拉基米尔.伊里奇.列宁,又名尼可莱.列宁,1870年4月22日生于伏尔加的辛比尔斯克。Vladimir Ilyich Lenin or also known as Nikolai Lenis was born on the 22nd of April 1870, in Simbirsk, Volga.

伊铁尔位于阿斯特拉罕州的伏尔加河畔,是丝绸之路上的一座重要城市。Located on the Volga River in what is now the Astrakhan Oblast , Itil was an important city on the Silk Road.

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南达科他州目前只有一个大豆加工厂,位于沃尔加附近布鲁金斯西部。South Dakota currently has only one soybean processing plant, which is located west of Brookings, near Volga.

在伏尔加河面,过往船只鸣长笛,一些乘客向河中抛下花圈,悼念遇难者。In the Volga river, passing ships Ming flute, some passengers threw wreaths to the river to mourn the victims.

6世纪时莫斯科公国已经征服了伏尔加盆地,游牧鞑靼民族住的地方Muscovy had already conquered the Volga basin in the 16th century, where the nomadic Tatars were, T-A-T-A-R-S.