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牵牛星与织女和天津四相比,光亮度还是略为逊色。Altair is not as bright as Vega and Deneb.

天津四处于一个十字架形状的顶部。Deneb lies at the top of a cross-like figure.

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天津四是“夏季大三角”中最北边的一颗星。Deneb is the northernmost star in the Summer Triangle.

它们在天鹅座的天津四这颗亮星的东北方。Look northeast of bright star Deneb in the constellation Cygnus the Swan.

那织女与天鹅座第一亮星之间的所相隔的距离更是让人难以想象。And an outstretched hard more or less fills the gap between Vega and Deneb.

当地球上夜幕降临时,织女星,天津四以及牛郎星穿过长空向西移动。As our Earth turns tonight, Vega, Deneb and Altair travel westward across the sky.

靠近天津四的三颗星星越过鹅体一起组成了众所周知的天鹅星座。Three stars cross the body near Deneb to form what is known as the Northern Cross.

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在天鹅座内明亮的天津四东北方向上就能找到它。To find it, look northeast of bright star Deneb in the high flying constellation Cygnus.

假设站在北半球中纬度看,天津四则很恰巧位于头顶正上方。As seen from mid-northern latitudes, the star Deneb hangs pretty much overhead at nightfall.

在遥远的右侧可以看到非常明亮的天津四下是北美洲星云。On the far right, the North America Nebula is visible just under the very bright star Deneb.

天鹅星与天津四之间的连线把天鹅的头部到尾部都展现出来。The line from Albireo to Deneb shows you the underside of the Swan's body from head to tail.

从天鹅座中的明亮恒星天津四往东北方向寻找,就能找到这一小片星云状光斑!Look for a small nebular patch north-east of bright star Deneb in the constellation of Cygnus.

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日落后率先在西方天空中出现的三颗星星是织女星,牵牛星和天津四。The first three stars to pop out into your western sky after sunset are Vega, Altair and Deneb.

摩羯座的东部,天津四附近的月亮和木星结成对。The moon and Jupiter pair up near the star Deneb Algedi in the eastern part of the constellation Capricornus.

天津四在鲸鱼座的尾部。当你在星座名中看到“天津四”这个词时,它就意味着“尾部”。Deneb Kaitos is in the Tail of the Whale. When you see the word "deneb" in star names, it nearly always means "tail. "

她们是天琴座的织女星,天鹅座的天津四和天鹰座的牵牛星。They are Vega in the constellation Lyra the Harp, Deneb in the constellation Cygnus the Swan, and Altair in the constellation Aquila the Eagle.

南鱼座α星的东面是另一个巨大的暗星座—鲸鱼座,它仅仅有一颗明亮的恒星,鲸鱼座β星,象征着鲸鱼的尾巴。To the east of Fomalhaut is another huge dim constellation, Cetus the Whale, with the only other brightish star in the area, Deneb Kaitos, which means the tail of the whale.

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日落后,织女星,天津四和牛郎星是首先照亮东半空的三颗星。甚至在轻度污染的城市里,它们那闪烁的明亮光芒也可以被看到。It's stars – Vega, Deneb and Altair – are the first three to light up the eastern half of sky after sunset, and their bright and sparkling radiance is even visible from light – polluted cities.