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猪能进行代偿性生长吗?Are pigs capable of compensatory growth?

法律是补偿性的而非惩罚性的。The law is compensatory ratherthan punitive.

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结论近视眼自身存在一系列代偿机制。Conclusion There are some compensatory mechanisms in myopia.

别以为春天潮湿就不需要补充水分。Do not think spring does not need compensatory moisture damply.

首选的办法是补充人口光源。The method of first selection is compensatory population illuminant.

并初步探讨了水生植物受损后的补偿生长机理。The mechanisms of the compensatory growth of V. spiralis were discussed.

化验肝功代偿好,胰腺管栓塞缓解,于3月16日出院。Assay liver, pancreas tube embolism compensatory relief, in March 16, court.

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检查后,医生让钟贤注意给福吉补充营养。After checking, the doctor let Zhong Xian attention to fudge compensatory nutrition.

回迁居住而原先承包的土地被原所在村收回的人员,应当分给征地补偿款。To the returns whose land was back to the villages, they should get land compensatory funds.

为定量描述肾的代偿作用提供了新的研究途径和依据。It provides new research ways and bases for quantitative describing renal compensatory action.

梦幻最好也不过被认为是对生活中的实际事物的一种补偿性的替代。At its best, daydreaming w as considered a compensatory substitute for the real things in life.

同时,非工程措施也应该成为今后河道整治的重要补充手段。Meanwhile non-engineering measures should be the compensatory part in the river course harness.

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妊娠期补充母獒和胎儿所需的营养,防止产后脱毛。It can provide compensatory nutrition in duration of pregnancy to prevent post-natal depilating.

由我们的数据可以看出单一肾孩童的肾臓因代偿作用而比正常同年龄者大。Our data showed actual nephromegaly of the solitary kidney indicating compensatory renal growth.

因此,有效的语言训练和认知补偿对于中度弱智儿童有重要的意义。As a result, an effective compensatory language & cognition training compensating will be needed.

两侧颈内动脉海绵窦段分支之间的吻合,提供了重要的侧支循环血液供应。The anastomosis between the branches from both ICA of CS provided a compensatory supple each other.

在轻度水分胁迫下,小麦拔节期以后有补偿性生长反应。Compensatory growth reaction was found after shooting period under condition of light water deficit.

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妇科化疗病人。缓解呕吐的方法。怎样补充营养?。Department of gynaecology turns cure patient. Alleviate vomitive method. How compensatory nutrition?

植物的补偿生长特性受放牧强度和生境资源获得性的影响。Grazing intensity and resource availability can affect the compensatory growth of defoliated plants.

营养不良者应注意加强营养,适当补充蛋白与维生素。Hidebound person should notice to strengthen nutrition, proper and compensatory albumen and vitamin.