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添加描边。Add a Stroke.

她丈夫是个尾桨手。Her husband is a stroke.

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球打到门柱上。The ball stroke the post.

终于让我抚弄她的毛毛。Finally let me stroke her fur.

你最擅长哪一种游法?Which stroke are you best at ?

我最擅长的就是蛙泳。I am good at the breast stroke.

如果你有胡子,缕缕胡子。If you have a beard, stroke it.

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他中风之后成了废人。The stroke left him a helpless.

午夜的最后一声钟鸣沉寂。The last stroke of midnight dies.

他用手打这个小孩。He stroke the child with his hand.

我们的老校长死于中风。Our old headmaster died of stroke.

人生能有几多搏?The life can have how many stroke?

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橡树的跌倒非一举之功。An oak is not felled at one stroke.

现在始与上帝斗,午夜帝胜他归乡。At stroke of midnight God shall win.

克莉斯特?莉莉于2000年患中风。Christa Lily suffered stroke in 2000.

他患中风之后成了不能自理的废人。The stroke left him a helpless wreck.

诀?就是辨识诊断出中风的问题。The trick is how to diagnose a stroke.

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他会抹领带,或是抚平上衣衣领。He'll stroke his tie or smooth a lapel.

比特的父亲由于中风腿跛了。Peter's father was crippled by a stroke.

钟敲六下,电话铃响了。Thee telephone rang at the stroke of six.