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它的树干是大的。Its trunk is big.

这个行李箱打不开。The trunk can't work.

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主干是我们的主线。The trunk is our mainline.

这箱子用蓝布做衬里。Blue cloth lined the trunk.

我帮您放去行理箱去。I'll put them in the trunk.

请邮送这只大衣箱,货到付款。Please send this trunk COD.

答案就在象鼻子里面。The answer is in the trunk.

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你的鼻子象一个滑梯!Your trunk is like a slide!

你的鼻子象滑滑梯。Your trunk is like a slide.

或者说,并不在于象鼻子。Or rather, not in the trunk.

这棵树很粗。This tree has a thick trunk.

在皮箱外捆上一条皮带。Put a strap around the trunk.

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这箱子用很结实的布作衬里。Strong cloth lined the trunk.

考拉在树干上休息。A kola is resting on the trunk.

她把它也放进了皮箱。She put it into the trunk also.

我把这些包放在行李箱里行吗?Can I put these bag in the trunk?

那个运动员身躯强壮有力。The athlete has a powerful trunk.

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放在我汽车后备箱的行李里。It's in my suitcase. In the trunk.

长鼻是象的特征。A trunk distinguishes the elephant.

这箱子的盖揭不开。The lid of the trunk will not lift.