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现在,中年危机还是来了。Now they face midlife crises.

世卫组织在危机中起什么作用?What is the role of WHO in crises?

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扶贫协商小组的调查揭示了危机的影响CGAP Survey Reveals Impact of Crises

危机总是会引发互相指责。Crises invariably trigger finger-pointing.

但神秘之处在于,危机的爆发如此罕见。The mystery is that crises erupt so rarely.

它们是资本主义的精神危机They are crises of the ethos of capitalism.

在这个过程中,您面对过什么样的危机?What crises did you face during the process?

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危急存亡之际常能产生天才的领袖。Great crises often call forth gifted leaders.

各报又在大肆渲染石油危机了。The papers are playing up the oil crises again.

其它国家的小额放债人也面临着危机。Other countries' microlenders, too, have had crises.

我们在过去多次货币危机中躲过一劫。We have been spared the currency crises of the past.

超载超速,危机四伏。Overload and overspeed, threatened by growing crises.

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人生就是要面对一连串的波折,哪怕我们不乐意。Life seems to be a series of crises that have to be faced.

具体速度取决于美国和欧洲危机的严重程度。It depends how violent the U.S. and European crises become.

一些国家将会出现出现国际收支危机。Some countries will slip toward balance of payments crises.

该研究报告观察了37个国家的总计42场危机。The study looks at 42 crises in all, spanning 37 countries.

抑郁症可能难以根除,但中年危机往往只发作一次。Depression can be chronic but midlife crises are often one-offs.

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但是,处理紧急危机情况只是你们工作的一小部分。But dealing with acute crises is only a small part of what you do.

经济危机给我们带来好的一面,也带来坏的一面,这是一把双刃剑。Crises bring out the best and worst in us. We'll see a lot of both.

不过,他还是能够辨证地看待公司危机。Mr Van den Bergh , though, is philosophical about corporate crises.