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非常与众不同,开始在拉合尔。It's very different, set in Lahore.

这个临时修建的摔跤场地在拉合尔郊外。This makeshift ring is on the outskirts of Lahore.

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再搭巴士到20公里外的拉合尔。Take another bus or taxi the remaining 20km to Lahore.

基达巴基斯坦中西部一城市,位于拉合尔西南偏西。A city of west-central Pakistan west-southwest of Lahore.

位于拉合尔的达瓦慈善会总部的情况也好不到哪去。The situation at JuD headquarters in Lahore was no better.

吉拉尼总理当时正从拉合尔飞回伊斯兰堡。The prime minister was flying back to Islamabad from Lahore.

拉合尔的警察总监说,戴维斯是个“冷血杀手”。The police chief in Lahore called him a "cold-blooded murderer.

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巴基斯坦拉合尔的沙莉马花园外观。A general view of the Shalimar Gardens in Lahore March 10, 2007.

拉合尔的警察总监说,戴维斯是个“冷血杀手”。The police chief in Lahore called him a "cold-blooded murderer."

他帮助在创造世界一流的资讯科技学院在拉合尔和伊斯兰堡。He helped in creating world class IT institutes at Lahore and Islamabad.

警方内部的消息人士说,这名美国人目前仍在拉合尔市。Sources within the force say they believe the American is still in Lahore.

巴德沙希清真寺是世界上最古老的清真寺之一,位于拉合尔堡隔壁。The Badshahi mosque, one of the world's oldest, is located next to the Lahore Fort.

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巴基斯坦东部城市拉合尔一座苏菲派神殿遭遇自杀式炸弹袭击。Suicide bombers a deadly attack a Sufi shrine in the eastern Pakistani city of Lahore.

印度边境离拉合尔只有20英里,但是交通拥堵,我还是到得晚了。The Indian border is only 20 miles from Lahore but heavy traffic meant a late arrival.

这起命案27日发生在拉合尔东部城区一处繁忙街道。This is from the murder of 27 occurred in the eastern city of Lahore at a busy street.

警察试图阻止欲上伊斯兰堡进行游行的激进分子在拉合尔市聚集。Police tried to stop activists from gathering in Lahore for their long march on Islamabad.

巴基斯坦警方称拉合尔领事馆拒绝向当局交出肇事司机。Pakistani police say the Lahore consulate has refused to turn over the driver to authorities.

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戴维斯两个星期前在拉合尔被逮捕,被控枪杀了两名巴基斯坦男子。Davis was arrested two weeks ago in Lahore after allegedly shooting to death two Pakistani men.

一家拉合尔的法庭宣布54名人权激进分子可获得保释,其中30名昨晚已经获释。A court in Lahore granted bail to 54 human rights activists, 30 of whom were released last night.

2009年拉合尔一个市场遭炸弹袭击,图为强光灯照亮烧焦的现场。Floodlights illuminate the charred aftermath of a marketplace bombing in Lahore in December 2009.