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你味道不好。You smell.

闻一闻蛋。Smell the egg.

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我没闻到味儿。I do not smell.

闻闻我的口气。Smell my breath.

我闻到你的气味了,臭小子!I smell you, boy!

闻闻桔子。Smell the orange.

我用鼻子闻味道。I smell with nose.

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我分明嗅到了掩饰的味道!I smell a cover-up!

你有来沙尔的味道。You smell of lysol.

我闻到香雪兰的味道?。Do I smell freesias?

嗯,我已经闻到了香味。Mmm, I can smell it.

我的鞋子好闻得很!My shoes smell fine!

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他们可以嗅得到。They could smell it.

你没闻到煤气味吗?Don"t you smell gas?"

或者闻闻花香。Or smell the flowers.

那味道太糟糕了。The smell was so bad.

春来气息皆芬芳。And a smell of spring.

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我问道印度阿三的味道了。I smell a Hindu troll.

闻香识男人。Smell Like A Man, Man.

砂砾上有阳光的味道。Smell of sun on gravel.