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见了一次面后,我却对你痴痴缠。After seeing surface, I crazily entangle to u.

这是我的爱好,而且变得非常的成功。This was my hobby that became crazily successful.

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我会每天都尽可能疯狂地操练英语!Iwill practice English as crazily as possible everyday!

我会每天都尽可能疯狂地操练英语!I will practice English as crazily as possible every day!

有时候,心里有一个声音狂乱地怂勇我。Sometimes a voice from my heart has counseled me, crazily.

你换句话说,你应该每天疯狂读英语,说英语。In other words, you should read and speak English crazily every day.

疯狂读,疯狂写,我的芳名是宇宙,我的影子是太阳。Crazily reading, crazily writing. The Universe my name, The Sun my shadow.

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一个酒鬼回家刚躺下,就挨了女人没头没脑一阵揍。A drunkard came home and had just laid down when a woman crazily smacked him.

张杰近乎疯狂的大吼出来,那声音却充满了不甘。Zhang Jie virtually crazily of roar noisy, that voice but be full of unwilling.

显然,作者打算提醒我们,这些青年人多么狂热地崇敬他们的偶像。Obviously, the drawer intends to remind us how crazily these youngsters adore their icons.

它至少有四层楼高,修筑得歪歪斜斜,一定是靠魔法搭起来的。It's at least four stories tall, built so crazily that it must certainly be held up by magic.

澳洲近日疯狂签属MPP,试图透国盟友协助挽回局势。Australia signed MPP crazily with other countries, because she needs friends to give her a hand.

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诺兰已经很自如的运用电脑特效,但其实一些异乎美妙的东西是不需要通过这些来实现的。Nolan uses C.G.I. freely, but some of the most crazily beautiful things are achieved without it.

显然,作者打算提醒我们,这些青年人多么狂热地崇敬他们的偶像。Obviously, the drawer intends to remind us how crazily these youngsters are adoring their icons.

她爱好逛街是如此的疯狂以至于有一次她拉错了别人的手。She likes going shopping so crazily that she one time even took another man's hand as her husband's.

我和你吻别在无人的街,让风痴笑我不能拒绝。I and you kiss goodbye in nobody's street, lets the wind laugh at me not to be able crazily to reject.

李阳老师在对学生们进行口语突破英语学习的训练。美丽的女校长在带领学生们大声说英语。Mr Li is training the students. The beautiful headmaster is leading the students to read English crazily.

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最近网上疯传曾轶可要去北京第二外国语学院读书了。Recently, it is crazily said that Yike Zeng will go to study in Beijing International Studies University.

我没有夸大其词!昨天派对里大多数的女孩都疯狂地著迷于那个男模特儿。I am not exaggerating! The majority of girls in the party were crazily obsessed with that male model yesterday.

无数道死光疯狂地在我周围闪现,我用绿金光防护罩强顶着。The innumerable roads death ray crazily flash around me, I use the green golden light safety mask to go against.