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或者你在牺牲的部分中?Or are you among the sacrificial parts?

今天上午你得牺牲一下了I'll--you're my sacrificial lamb this morning.

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晋献公将食物“与犬,犬毙。He sent the sacrificial food and wine to his father.

跪坐人像代表主持祭祀的人。Kneeling Figures the host of the sacrificial rituals.

我把这血赐给你们,可以用在祭祀仪式中。I've assigned it to you to use in sacrificial practices.

到7章节讲的是献祭系统。You have in chapters 1 through 7 the sacrificial system.

他乃代罪羔羊,默默无声,被牵往宰杀之地。He is the sacrificial lamb, led silently to the slaughter.

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祭祀坑数量众多,排列有序。The numerous sacrificial pits are arranged in an orderly fashion.

尼欧的「地狱」,某部分是指他钟爱的崔妮蒂牺牲了性命。Part of his 'hell' is the sacrificial death of his beloved Trinity.

我们看到的这些祭祀坑就是当年的兽祭坑。The sacrificial pits we are looking at right now are animal burial.

他们从事斋醮活动,从事道教养生实践。They engaged in the Taoist sacrificial rites and regimen practices.

阴影是侍僧在牺牲祭坛牺牲后变成的。Shade is created by sacrificing an Acolyte with the Sacrificial Pit.

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观点在我看来,在非盈利机构里工作是牺牲性很大的。To work at a non-profit it is truly a sacrificial job in my opinion.

殉葬是印度一种葬礼习俗。Sacrificial burial has been a custom in India, not often practised today.

只有一种信仰崇拜一位为爱献身的人。Only one faith worships a person known primarily for his sacrificial love.

但他们不会忘记的牺牲品,并逾越方面的晚饭。But they would not forget the sacrificial and paschal aspect of the Supper.

最终腐蚀掉牺牲层后使得到了所需的敏感芯片。After etching the sacrificial layers, the final sensitive chips are obtained.

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大鼓是基诺族神圣的祭器和乐器。Big drum is a kind of Jino sacred sacrificial utensil and musical instrument.

他一定听到等待被宰的羔羊的叫声。He must have heard the bleating of the sacrificial Iambs waiting to be killed.

他们说祭祀的血都从上到下涂满了太阳金字塔。They say that the sacrificial blood covered the sun pyramids from top to bottom.