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这是捕梦网。That is a dream catcher.

“每个人都需要一个捕梦器”。Every body needs a deam catcher.

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可成科技也拒绝置评。Catcher also declined to comment.

接手示意他投弧线球。The catcher signaled him to swerve.

我们在生活中都需要捕梦网。We all need a dream catcher in our lives.

月光下,油虫儿在麦田里低吟。Under the moonlight, oil in catcher in whisper.

我的外甥是一名棒球运动员。他是一名接球员。My nephew is a baseball player. He is a catcher.

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地震捕手网络远没有这么敏感。The Quake Catcher Network is far less sensitive.

棒球队的接球员为什么没有见到灰姑娘?Why didn't the baseball catcher meet Dinderella?

是啊,当你需要时,捕梦网在哪里?Yeah, where's a dream catcher when you need one?

棒球队的接球员为什么没有见到灰姑娘?Why didn't the baseball catcher meet Cinderella ?

那个凶猛的投球打在接手的头上。The catcher was dinged on the head by a wild throw.

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在RTTS模式中,作为捕手叫出一场“优质先发”。Call a "Quality Start" as a catcher in any RTTS game.

所以,我在那个联队中打球的时候,是作为接球手。So when I was playing in that league, I was a catcher.

真神奇。我们在生活中都需要捕梦网。How wonderful. We all need a dream catcher in our lives.

这名捕手不会很担心他发炎红肿的右手肘。The catcher isn't too concerned about an inflamed right elbow.

今天早晨我用吸尘器把屋里吸得很乾净。This morning I thoroughly cleaned the room with a dust catcher.

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叫“捕梦网”。你的礼物给了我创作的灵感。It's called "Dream Catcher. " Your gift inspired me to write it.

汤姆被判出局,因为接球员接住了飞来的球。Tom was called out because the catcher caught the ball on the fly.

捕手波沙达说。We needed Wang to throw a good game, " catcher Jorge Posada said."