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舔我的嘴唇!Lick my lips!

让我舔你小妹妹。Let me lick your twat.

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你会把你的咖啡壶添干净。You lick your coffeepot clean.

我的爸爸不可能打败你的爸爸!My dad could never lick your dad.

我无论怎样打都改不了他的缺点。I can not lick a fault out of him.

你吃冰淇淋是用舔的还是咬的?。Do you lick or bite your ice cream?

吃完饭了,它就舔起毛来。After dinner, it will lick hairines.

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你不可能舔着自己的胳膊肘。It is impossible to lick your elbow.

我也要做,要舔嘴唇。I would do something, and lick my lips.

吃完了你喜欢舔手指头。You like to lick your fingers after meals.

行了,你能挺过来,你是老虎。Come on, you can lick this. You're a tiger.

奉承者就像猫一样,舔完后就乱抓。Flatters, like cats, lick and then scratch.

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我绝不会免强自己去拍别人马屁。I'll never force myself to lick other's boots.

舔着棒棒糖,在下午的阳光中唱着爱的旋律!Lick lollipop , sing the song in the afternoon!

他们原想在一个月内打赢北佬的。They were going to lick the Yankees in a month.

这让很多男人更加垂涎欲滴。This allows a lot of men more lick one's chaps.

蜂蜜虽甜,但千万别舔野蔷薇刺上的蜂蜜。Though honey is sweet, don't lick it off a briar.

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习惯养着阿尔萨斯人,因为阿尔萨斯人习惯舔她们。Used to keep this Alsatian that used to lick them.

那用舌头舔你们的闪电何在?Where is the lightning to lick you with its tongue?

独处着说不出的痛,独自舔嗜着伤口。Alone with inexpressible pain, alone lick the wound.