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牛的肚子里!Tripe of the cow.

常常废话使一切人精神上倒胃口。A constant diet of tripe will make anyone spiritually sick.

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我每天得做两百次仰卧起坐来消除我的肚腩。I do two hundred sit-ups every day in order that reduce my tripe.

有巧克力和薄荷口味,也有菠菜、肝脏,还有牛肚。There's chocolate and peppermint and also spinach, liver and tripe.

有巧克力和薄荷口味。也有菠菜、肝脏。另有牛肚。there's chocolate and peppermint and also spinach, liver and tripe.

煲着的牛肚的汤锅是如何做到看上去那么邪恶,而吃起来却那么美味?。How can a simmering tureen of tripe stock look so evil, yet smell so good?

去头,去皮,去内脏,去翼,留尾尖,留第一圈,泡药。Head off, skinless, tripe off, wings off, first ring on , tip on , treated.

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对网志主要的批评之一是,有太多人沉浸于自己的小天地之中。One of the main criticisms of blogs is that so many are self-absorbed tripe.

这是「酸菜肚片汤」,也是客家的代表汤类。This is "Pickled Mustard and Pork Tripe Soup". It is a typical soup of Hakka.

给父亲带上他最喜欢的午餐,找一个安静的地方坐下。Whether he likes chicken enchiladas or tripe stew, look up a recipe online and give it a whirl.

羊爆肚的吃法在过去很讲究,随顾客的选择。In the past, the cooking of Wok-Seared Lamb Tripe was different according to different customers.

这款煮熟的热气腾腾的内脏汤以防止和治愈严重的宿醉而闻名。The tripe is boiled and the steaming offal soup is known for both preventing and curing a massive hangover.

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是一道用牛肚或者家畜的胃加上大蒜和奶油煮的的浓汤。It's a thick soup made with tripe or the eatable stomach of livestock and then cooked with garlic and cream.

在作为这座城市标志的一家火锅店里,矮胖、头发参差的张先生时而放声高歌,时而大吃牛肚和肝脏。Zhang said at one of the city's trademark hot-pot restaurants, where he burst into song between bites of tripe and liver.

他又倒了一杯酒,但在喝之前犹豫了一下,然后叉起一块牛肚,边嚼边开了口。He poured another glass this time hesitating before drinking and spoke again as he stabbed a piece of tripe then began to chew.

这种以毛肚为主菜的火锅,价格低廉麻辣刺激,很快便受到码头上纤夫船工们的欢迎。The hotpot with tripe as the main dish was cheap and excitingly hot and soon won the favor of boat trackers and boat men at docks.

我们坐下来,桌上摆着几杯啤酒,用薄膜塑料杯装着,一瓶没标签的白酒,还有一碟麻辣牛肚,豆腐汤,面条和炖鱼。We sat down to filmy glasses of beer and a clear unmarked bottle of grain alcohol and saucers of peppers and tripe tofu soup noodles and fish stew.

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阿尔巴尼亚人和芬兰人、丹麦人,以及许多其他欧洲人一样,去参加清晨的弥撒,然后喝牛肚柠檬浓汁汤。Albanians, like Finns and Danes and a great many other Europeans, attend early-morning mass. Afterwards they sit down to a rich egg-lemon soup with tripe.

基于芯片卡的银行卡系统由于在安全性方面优于传统的磁条卡系统,银行卡系统由磁条卡向芯片卡迁移已提到日程上。Chip-based bank card system is more secure than traditional magnetic stripe cards system, the transfer from tripe cards to chip-based cards is on the agenda.

三联期是大麦通过春化阶段和幼穗分化开始的形态指标,而小麦是二棱期。The period of tripe mound of barley is the morphological symbol to complete the vernalization phase and start ear initiation, but the wheat is in double ridge.