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我除了在走廊里贴了应变部署表,还给每个人写了床头卡。I pasted contingency plan in corridor, besides, I wrote cards for every crewman.

载具乘员装备中的扳手比工兵的要弱一些。Carried by Crewmen, the Crewman Wrench is a much weaker version of the Engineer Wrench.

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一名船员丧身。一艘美国海船在帮助扑火和营救船员。One crewman has been killed. An American navy ship is helping fight the fire and rescue the crews.

鲁泽和另一名叫马西的船员占有了拉塞尔的船,并将他留在了指挥部Because of that Lowther and another crewman named Massey took Russell's ships and left him at headquarters.

在基?韦斯特,一位踌躇满志的作家敲开海明威的门,寻求指点,却被海明威安排做船员。an aspiring writer who knocked on Hemingway's door in Key West seeking advice and was co-opted as a crewman.

佟船长16岁时,就当船员,首次航行三峡。那趟航程的船被撞成碎片。When only 16 years old, Tong first sailed through the gorges as a crewman. On that trip, his boat was dashed to pieces.

在紧急情况下,应按照安全规定征得机组人员允许方可使用话机。In emergency case, only with the consent of the crewman in the light of safety regulations shall the use of mobile phone be allowed.

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尽管幸运之神眷顾着他的探险之旅,可没有一个船员死亡的事实正是他的远见与良好判断力的证明。Although luck had smiled on his expedition, it was a testament to his foresight and good judgment that not a single crewman had died.

当她的家人听到艾伦在海里失踪时,她才十七岁。Helen is the younger sister of Sydney crewman Sub-Lieutenant Allen James King, and she was just 17 when her family heard Allen was lost at sea.

作为一名医生,他专门搭乘去各地旅行的船只,以为船员看病为由,去环游世界,到处冒险。Persons of doctor, take ship that all parts travel specially he, it think crewman diagnose the illness as from, go to travel around the world, take risks everywhere.

一天,他发了疯并向一个最凶残的海盗下了战书---用剑决斗。Rackham was considered to be a coward by his crew and was often teased for it. One day he became mad and challenged the biggest meanest pirate crewman to a sword duel.

菲律宾承认海岸警卫队在事件中对台湾渔船开枪,台北当局说一名船员死亡,引发了岛上的广泛愤怒。The Philippines admitted Friday that its coastguard fired at a Taiwanese fishing boat in an incident that authorities in Taipei said left a crewman dead and triggered widespread outrage on the island.