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对这些人而言,非暴力是一项原则。They followed the way of principled nonviolence.

嬉皮士宣扬利他主义和神秘主义,诚实、喜悦与非暴力。Hippies preach altruism and mysticism, honesty, joy and nonviolence.

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对甘地来说,非暴力与其说是行动,还不如说是意图。For Gandhi, nonviolence was more a matter of intention than actual behavior.

因此,不应以是否能够产生效果来评判非暴力行动。Therefore, nonviolence should not be judged by its ability to produce results.

他们在传道中作为律法所宣扬的非暴力变成了所有暴力中最大的暴力。Those who preach nonviolence as a rule or law tend to be the most violent of all.

那是菩萨和佛陀的工作,总带着同情和非暴力。That is the work of a bodhisattva, a buddha, always with compassion and nonviolence.

但是,贵格会主要是一个宗教组织,他们的非暴力主张的基础是他们的信仰。But the Quakers were primarily a religious group, whose beliefs led them to nonviolence.

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非暴力不能用来教导怕死的人或无力抗争的人。Nonviolence cannot be taught to a person who fears to die and has no power of resistance.

美国的非暴力运动也在世界各地引发了类似的运动。Nonviolence movements in the United States have also helped to spawn similar movements around the world.

一些宗教如印度教遵守素食主义,把素食作为不杀生的戒条。Some religions such as Hinduism observe vegetarianism as part of an effort of nonviolence towards animals.

在他们国家为什么要避免暴力,为什么宣称非暴力的藏独分子在他们国家也会产生暴力。Why they want to avoid violence, why the DL protestor who self-claimed nonviolence will generate violence.

达赖用他自己的行为证明了他所标榜的“和平”、“非暴力”完全是用来欺骗世人的谎言。His activities have proven again that his rhetorics of peace and nonviolence are lies to deceive the world.

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仅仅这些历史事实就足以证明喇嘛教关于“慈悲”和“非暴力”的说教是何等的虚伪。These historical facts alone prove that lamaist doctrines of " compassion" and " nonviolence" are hypocrisy.

美国的民权运动表明,如果我们以此为评判标准的话,非暴力能够产生效果。The civil rights movement demonstrated that nonviolence can produce results, if one chooses to judge by that standard.

这是一起自发运动,遵从“非暴力”抗议,并无十分明确的呼吁要求。This is a leaderless movement, and one that started without any clear demands, and one that is committed to nonviolence.

在1960年代以前,基督教信仰激励了大多数致力于原则性非暴力行动的美国人。Up to the 1960s, most Americans who committed themselves to principled nonviolence were moved by Christian religious beliefs.

无论达赖喇嘛和中情局以及其他的反动分子有何瓜葛,他常提到和平、爱和非暴力。Whatever the Dalai Lama's associations with the CIA and various reactionaries, he did speak often of peace, love, and nonviolence.

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非暴力的道德力量,而非恐怖主义和滥杀无辜,再次将历史拉向了正义的一边。It was the moral force of nonviolence — not terrorism and mindless killing — that bent the arc of history toward justice once more.

小马丁。路德。金因为主张民权运动中采取非暴力政策而被授予1964年。Martin Ruther King Jr. was awarded the peace Nobal Prize of1964 for advocating nonviolence policy in the movement for civil rights.

她写道,非暴力运动必然具有强制性,但是它仅仅促使人们不再做他们没有道德权利去做的事情,而不影响他们去做任何他们有权去做的事情。Nonviolence is necessarily coercive, she wrote. But it forces people to stop doing only things that they have no moral right to do.