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出度为零的顶点称作收点。A vertex with zero outdegree is called a sink.

一圈更正对端点作用。The one-loop correction to the vertex function.

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为什么2是底部数而不最右边的顶点数呢?Why is 2 the bottom and not the rightmost vertex?

网格模型包含顶点颜色,法线,一到两个uv集。Meshes with vertex colors, normals and one or two UV sets.

中键单击顶点当前多边形将其删除。Middle-click a vertex of the current polygon to remove it.

提出了两种新的压缩型顶点链码的编码方法。Two kinds of compression-type vertex chain code are proposed.

顶点扫描线号是该算法中的核心概念。Vertex scan-line number is the core concept of this algorithm.

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掌击法常用于头顶前囟与百会。Palm-hitting, the anterior fontanelle of the vertex and Baihui.

这允许你沿着3个轴插值任何顶点数据。This lets you interpolate any of the vertex data along the 3 axes.

该文提出一种填充算法,解决了顶点链编码表示区域的填充问题。This paper presents a new filling algorithm for vertex chain code.

如果两条边恰有一个公共端点,就说它们是邻接的。Two edges are adjacent if they have exactly one common end vertex.

那么,我们使用顶点着色的性能及利益在那里呢?So what are the capabilities and benefits of using Vertex Shaders ?

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提出求一个图的顶点覆盖的VC算法,定义图的VC表示式及其全闭链的概念。VC algorithm to obtain the vertex covering of a graph is presented.

一个不可定向地图,如果只有一个顶点和一个面,则称它为一个魔。A nonorientable map with one vertex and one face is called a barfly.

即使对于多数据流,所有数据流都使用相同的索引。Even with multiple vertex streams, all streams are indexed together.

设V是一个顶点算子超代数,M是一个可容许的V-模。Let V be a vertex operator superalgebra and M an admissible V-module.

讨论了中子星内中子超流涡旋。Neutron superfluid vertex in neutron stars is discussed in this paper.

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下一步,我将学习如何编写与编译一个顶点着色程序。Next we shall learn, how to write and compile a vertex shader program.

当你的模型状态如下所示时改变到选择点模式。When your model starts to look like on this picture change to vertex mode.

提出一种多张曲面相交于一点时角点处的过渡技术。A blending technology for vertex of multi-surface is presented in the paper.