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泰特斯·波罗的刀尝到的第一滴血!It was legionary Titus Pullo who drew first blood!

也就是说,任何网络上关于军队医院的广告都是假的。That is to say, the about legionary hospital advertisement on any networks is false.

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一个军团斥候发现了他救助当地人出逃的行为并把他指证给了一个百夫长。Legionary explorer saw Arcade helping locals escape and pointed him out to a centurion.

军旅剧经过近30年的发展,在内容与形式上均有了较为成熟的表现。Legionary teleplay has a full character both in content and format after nearly 30 years development.

目前在全国范围内,军旅题材电视剧正经历着“激情燃烧的岁月”。Throughout of the country, the legionary teleplay is going through the new times of "the years of intense emotion".

例如修改军团骑兵的属性,罗马人并不善于使用骑兵,历史上罗马人更多的使用盟国骑兵或雇佣骑兵。Like adding Legionary Cavalry which Rome didn't use Back then, their cavalry was bad hence why the used Mercs a lot for cavalry.

在本文中,笔者运用心理学、修辞学等方法对军旅剧诸种特点形成的原因进行了尝试性分析。The author tried to analyze the reason which how the characters of legionary teleplay form using psychology and rhetoric in this thesis.

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我感觉到,对中国——我们这大家庭的一份子,传扬这福音的喜讯是我们的使命的一部分。Surrounded by 400 others of my Legionary family, I felt this to be a part of our call to evangelize China, my extended family and patria.

他们的音乐沉浸在悲剧和军人英雄主义之中,努力地向人们宣扬胜利的荣耀,让人们忘记失败和挫折。Steeped in tragedy and legionary heroism, their music strives towards communicating the glory of armies marching to victory and forgetting defeat.

本文运用叙事学方法,从文本角度出发,重点研究了军旅剧在人物设置与叙事模式上的特点。The thesis researched the character of figure setting and descriptive style of legionary teleplay by using narrative theory which based on scenario.

本论文结合1980年创作繁荣期之前的一些作品,研究探讨了近年来军旅题材电视剧呈现出的一些特质。In this paper, with the analysis of some works created in a boom of creative in 1980s, some special features of legionary teleplay in recent years are discussed.

四是完善平转战运行机制,全面提高军队卫生防疫保障能力。Fourth, we should improve the operation system of transition from peacetime to wartime, and enhance roundly safeguard ability of legionary hygiene and epidemic prevention.

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通过对质子交换膜燃料电池和现有通信电源装备的对比,分析了质子交换膜燃料电池作为军事通信电源存在的巨大优势。Contrast to legionary existing communicate electrical source equipment, this article analyses the large advantages of PEMFC to be a legionary communicate electrical source equipment.

使用直边盾牌的士兵需要在盾牌之间留条缝隙供短剑刺击敌人,由于受几何学的限制,除此以外,别无他法。Soldiers armed with straight sided legionary scuta need to open a gap between their shields in order to use a short stabbing sword, there is no way around this geometrical limitation.

作为中国军事题材电视剧中最具现实性的一个类别,军旅题材电视剧以当代军人生活为画卷,演绎和表现了和平时期军人在新的社会文化语境下所具有的崇高精神及高尚品质。As one of the most realistic type of Chinese military teleplay, legionary teleplay shows the great spirit and exalted character of soldiers in peaceful time, which by describing their modern life.