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它们是资本主义的精神危机They are crises of the ethos of capitalism.

年轻人必须成为建立该社会风气的主力。Young people have to be a key part of building that ethos.

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澳大利的亚社会风气所谓的“哥们情谊”是很难定义的。It'Australia's ethos of 'mateship's a slippery thing to define.

在布兰克费恩成为首席执行官之前已经赢得了贸易的气质。The trading ethos had won out long before Blankfein became CEO.

关爱式科学研究是支撑威豪中心所有工作的基础。Caring Science is the ethos that underpins all we do at WALTHAM.

数量,而非质量,是双年展和艺术博览会的精神气质。Quantity, not quality, is the ethos of bienniales and art fairs.

这一切改变了信息技术产业的精神风貌。As a result, the ethos of the information technology industry changed.

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搭便车的旅人也非常忠诚,沙发旅游是一个新概念,但来自于一个旧价值。Hitchhikers were very committed, too. It's a new idea but an old ethos.

但是,却深深违背了互联网的自由精神。But that runs against the deeply held libertarian ethos of the Internet.

推行ISO并通过其认证,再这十余年来成为一种风气。Introduced ISO and pass the decertify, became an ethos during the decenniad.

一个之间的校风和系统的基本冲突削弱了印度的政体。A basic conflict between the ethos and system has weakened the Indian polity.

以地理定位为基础的公共成就风潮也许也可以跨越辈分。That ethos of location-based public achievement may go transgenerational, too.

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同样的尊重,但是我们不怕挑战。"The same ethos of respect but not fear goes for Real Madrid, " Camo insisted.

画家个人风格的最终形成,他的人品和精神气质是至关重要的。The ultimate form of personal style relys on the painter's character and ethos.

正如我所说,革命气氛在捷克斯洛伐克早就消失了。As I've said, the revolutionary ethos in Czechoslovakia has long since vanished.

这样一群褒贬不一的群体又会给社会习尚带来什么样的影响?Such a group of mixed groups and will give social ethos bring what kind of impact?

结果就像温蒂所形容的“关系就像财富”的思想一样。The consequence is what Wendy describes as an ethos of "relationship as property".

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学校以良好的校风和较高的教学质量赢得了社会的广泛赞誉。School with a good ethos and high quality of teaching has won extensive recognition.

组合主义家庭维持治安根据主妇的性别和性格。Corporatist family polices are based on gender differences and ethos of the housewife.

华尔街这群人被认为是高风险、绩效决定薪水作风的一环。Wall Street denizens are supposed to be part of a high-risk, pay-for-performance ethos.