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我觉得我在网上肯定成不了白金作家。I feel I affirm platinic writer on the net.

他们肯定奴隶有一些人权,但不具备全部的。They affirm some personal rights for the slave, but not all.

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本人谨此声明在本报名表填报的资料均属正确。I affirm that the facts set forth in it are true and complete.

预计最高法院将维持原判。The Supreme Court is expected to affirm the original judgment.

这个是我们曾经费心来处理,起初是用来作为肯定。This is what we have, rather dully, taken care to affirm at first.

肯定自己的人生,宛若你己经是自己渴望的面貌。Affirm your life as though you already are all that you want to be.

旧约和新约的许多经文都一再重申这一点。Many passages in both Old and New Testaments affirm this repeatedly.

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现在就开始鼓励他人、肯定他人、相互欣赏吧。Start to encourage others, affirm others, and appreciate one another.

确认产品组装折叠顺利无阻碍。Affirm whether or not the assembly and folding are smooth and unimpeded.

您承认我们这里有“长期存在”的暴啊君统治,您说的太对了。How right you are to affirm our "long-standing practice" of despotic rule.

全本圣经都是神恩赐的启示。WE AFFIRM that the written Word in its entirety is revelation given by God.

此时此刻,只要肯定黑色人种同样具备人性也就足够了。For the present, it is enough to affirm the equal manhood of the Negro race.

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我们相信历史上所有基督的信徒都同归一体。We affirm the spiritual unity of all believers in Christ throughout history.

而且证实它的趋化和其代谢之间没有必然的相关。We also proved the chemotaxis has no affirm correlation with the metabolism.

作者在情书里捎去的信息要有分量,要对收件人予以肯定。Love letters carry a message of worth from the writer to affirm the receiver.

我们给了他们一个机会表达自己的感情,他们可以借此挺一挺腰杆。We gave them the opportunity to express their feelings, to affirm themselves.

奇迹拒绝与身体认同,坚持与灵魂认同,因此得以治愈。They heal because they deny body-identification and affirm Soul identification.

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反之,又可能任一学门皆无法肯定其为「专业」之一部份?Contrarily , any science probably can not affirm it is a part of the profession?

这些动词都表示确认事实、精确性或事件的真实性。These verbs all mean to affirm the truth, accuracy, or genuineness of something.

最终,主管只能根据他们的偏见去判断员工的行为。Eventually, the supervisor can only recognize actions that affirm their prejudice.