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今天我们逃学吧。Lets play hooky today!

今天我们逃学吧!Let's paly hooky today!

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我们今天逃课吧。Let's play hooky today.

我会更经常地逃学。I would play hooky more.

你今天逃学了吧?Did you play hooky today?

因为我逃学被逮到。Because I got caught playing hooky.

为什么不假装你生病了,然后不去上班了呢?Why not pretend you are sick and play hooky from work?

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那男生经常跷课和逃学。The schoolboy is often cutting classes and playing hooky.

逃学的那位学生被校长处罚了。The student who played hooky was punished by the principal.

嗯,如果今天你们全都旷课,那我也不去上班。Well, if you lot are playing hooky today, no way I'm going to work.

我们中很多人把逃学,完游戏,恋爱当成一种习惯。In us many people play hooky , the game, the love regards one custom.

于是他们找了条以逃学出名的小鱼仔。Then they found a young fish who was known for playing hooky from school.

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那只不听话的小鹿掉进了陷井,被猎人杀死了。The stubborn fawn who played hooky had been trapped and killed by a hunter.

你的意思是让我打电话给工作的地方说我生病,这样就可以不去上班?To play hooky is to skip school or work when you have no excuse for doing so.

尽管另一位老师以为他们是逃学进城去了,但上手艺课的老师的便条替他们解了围。The shop teacher's note was a face-saver when another thought they were playing hooky in town.

转眼贞淑已是女校高三学生,她整日与几个死党同窗逃学旷课,一副小太妹的容貌。Fiona moment is already high school girls accomplishment, she and several classmate all day but plays hooky ditches school, a pair of small too sister looks.