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救生艇在奥怀希河。Raft the Owyhee River.

于是我的皮筏漂流梦就这样灰飞烟灭了。The raft dream was dead.

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那个筏子漂到海上。The raft floated out to sea.

一根竹子扎不成筏。One bamboo doesn't make a raft.

他用篙撑筏沿江而下。He poled the raft down the river.

他记得那个橡皮伐子吗?Had he remembered the rubber raft?

我们用木筏渡过那条河。The raft bore us across the river.

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木筏沿河顺流而下。The raft is rolling down the river.

皮筏向海里漂去。The rubber raft drifted out to sea.

我的小筏子如不被驾驶,即会漂走。My raft drifts if it is not steered.

漂流之后还可以品尝到美味的河鱼。I can't wait to raft along the river.

玉米杆儿被编成了一只筏子。The corn stalks are woven into a raft.

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他们乘着木筏向河的下游漂去。They floated down the river on a raft.

但是竹筏上的水越来越多。But our bamboo raft had more water on it.

母亲,你的圣名是可依附的救生筏!Mother, and cling to the raft of Thy name!

救生筏长42米,宽16米。The raft was 42 metres and 16 metres wide.

木排在波浪中浮沉着。The swimming raft was dancing in the waves.

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您还可以乘坐竹筏欣赏沿溪风光。You can also take a raft tour of the river.

这木筏依靠空汽油桶的浮力漂浮。The raft was buoyed up by empty petrol cans.

依靠空汽油桶的浮力漂浮。The raft was buoyed up by empty petrol cans.