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试试水果忍者超爽变态版吧!Fruit Ninja BT Edition by Wangyjsh!

因此Ramesh暂停了关于Bt茄子的行动。So Ramesh froze action on Bt brinjal.

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肯定看见您我们明天将有BT。Surely see you tomorrow we will have BT.

Bt棉花把这种害虫的数量减少到了原来的百万分之一。Bt cotton had reduced the pest population one-million-fold.

英国电信是英国第九大雇主,拥有14.7万名员工。BT is Britain's ninth-largest employer and has 147, 000 workers.

这种Bt基因来自于一种名为图根菌的细菌。The Bt genes came from a bacterium called Bacillus thuring ensis.

两年后的1997年,政府批准了郭三堆的抗虫棉。The government approved Guo's Bt cotton two years later, in 1997.

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BT确认正在研发自产平板电脑。BT has confirmed that it is working on its own tablet-style computer.

“对于那些对我有错误认识的人,我感到很抱歉,”他告诉英国电信。"I am sorry that people have the wrong impression of me, " he told BT.

所有投资回报将由英国电信和第三方共享。Any return on investment will be shared between BT and the third party.

BT下载站已宣布停止发布新加坡电视剧。BT Website announced that they'll not release Singapore Dramas anymore.

检查耳机是否放到合适的位置。Ensure whether the earpiece is properly reposed back into the BT Car Kit.

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环境部前期曾经停止了bt茄子的种植计划。The environment ministry halted plans for bt brinjal cultivation earlier.

至少你患上到了一个有价值的教训,就是干工作要量力而为。Bt least you learned a valuable lesson about not getting in over your head.

在Bt茄子的案例中,被引入的基因是来自一种不能使用的来源。In the case of Bt brinjal, the introduced gene was from a non-edible source.

在推广Bt玉米之前,在明尼苏达州每100个植株有59只玉米螟幼虫。Before Bt introduction there were 59 moth larvae per 100 plants in Minnesota.

我们已经启用的主要驱动力最大,如液晶显示器,显卡,无线局域网和BT。We have already enabled most of the main drivers, like LCD, GFX, Wlan and BT.

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此时你真的需要朋友。如有什么要求,打电话给我。Bt times like these you really need your friends. Dall me if you need anything.

Bt基因可产生一种具有杀虫功能的Cry1Ab蛋白。The Bt gene produces a protein called Cry1Ab which has insectidical properties.

英国电信计划给急需更多性能的公司提供这项服务。BT plans to offer these as a service for firms that quickly need extra capacity.