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第二,就是要组织好那些无家可归的人们。Second, is to organise the lives of the homeless.

他们会按照一定的句法规则组织单词吗?Do they organise words around a principle of syntax?

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适当地滞碍他们,调节他们,让他们有组织。Keep them properly, organize them, let them organise.

母亲节那天你可以“以母之名”举行一场茶话会。You can organise tea of your mother on a Mothers Day.

你如何组织你的电站使它能保持安全?How do you organise your plant to sustain this safety?

如果你能备办饮食,我就负责请人。I'll invite people if you can organise food and drinks.

我们可以安排提供从芝加哥奥黑尔机场出发的租车服务。We can organise car rental from Chicago O'Hare Airport.

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适当地阻难他们,调节他们,让他们有组织。Keep them properly, coordinfound one them, let them organise.

问题是如何有效地组织这样一个讨论。The question is how to organise such a discussion effectively.

我们不想杀任何人,我们不想组织任何形式大屠杀。We don’t want to kill anyone, we don’t want to organise any pogroms.

我想最好要发起多边讨论。I believe it would be best to organise that discussion multilaterally.

母亲节那天你可以“以母之名”举办一场茶话会。You can organise tea parties in honor of your mother on a Mothers Day.

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大部分的出租车不打表,需提前跟司机确定价格。Most taxis aren't metered, so make sure you organise the price beforehand.

宝丽金主办“为蔡一智设计发型”赢大奖。Polygram Records organise a contest "Design a hair-style for Calvin Choy".

如何组织您的购物并且尽量提高新鲜产品的保质期。How to organise your shopping and maximise the shelf life of fresh produce.

消费心理和消费情绪,将人们消费动机加以条理化。Consumer psychology and consumer sentiment, will people organise 'motivation.

现在你们如何组织一个电站从而保证,你们能够管理所有的这些事情?Now how do you organise a plant to make sure you can administer all these things?

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要筹办这样一个全球性的设计比赛,实在需要很多人力物力。To organise a global competition of such a scale involves considerable resources.

赛天骄及其兄弟集结幸存塞伯坦人建抵抗组织。Beta and her brother organise the remaining Cybertronians into resistance fighters.

显然,刘小宝的违法行为在于,他组织了要求更多民主的请愿。Mr Liu's offence, apparently, was to organise a petition calling for more democracy.