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搞定了!现在我们快逃吧。Done! Now let us flee.

静水常深。Still water flee deep.

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我得赶紧撤到机场去了。I had to flee to the airport.

逃去安全的地方吧。Flee away to a place of safety.

羔羊遇上狮子自当逃走。Lambs sensibly flee from lions.

我可以往那里去逃可躲避你的面?Where can I flee from your presence?

骑士们和妇人们惶恐逃窜。With terror the knights and ladie flee.

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我说,像我这样的人岂要逃跑呢。And I said, Should such a man as I flee?

森林中的动物惊恐的四散奔逃。Terrified animals flee before the onslaught.

她没有地方可以躲,也没有地方可以逃。She had no place to hide and no where to flee.

一家人乱作一团,艾莉乘隙逃离。The family group, disorder ChengXi ailey flee.

我所亲爱的弟兄阿,你们要逃避拜偶像的事。Therefore, my dear friends, flee from idolatry.

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飞鱼能从一次免费的油炸鱼聚餐会会逃跑吗?Can a flying-fish flee far from a free fish fry?

要往山上逃跑,免得你被剿灭。Flee to the mountains or you will be swept away!

飞鱼能够逃得远远地而避免成为免费的炸鱼吗?。Can a flying fish flee far from a free fish fry ?

成千上万人乘座小船逃难到佛罗里达.Tens of thousands flee for Florida in small boats.

连海地的总统也被逼要逃往非洲去。The president of Haiti is forced to flee to Africa.

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或者,化学信号是危险,它们就会逃跑吗?Or, if the chemical signal's danger, they will flee?

在山民的掩护下,我匆匆逃离。Under the cover of the mountain , I hurried to flee.

海达尔打算逃往约旦首都安曼。Haydar plans to flee to Amman, the Jordanian capital.