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心胸观点或思想狭窄缺乏宽度。Marked by narrowness of mind, ideas, or views.

钻石型中场的狭窄是个缺陷,但是不存在完美无缺的战术体系。The narrowness of the diamond is a flaw, but no system is without them.

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我们本位主义的狭隘性和傲慢文化是一个危险的结合。Our parochial narrowness and cultural hubris are a dangerous combination.

人到中年就是思想的宽度和腰围的纤度对调。Middle age is when broadness of mind and narrowness of waist change places.

因河口急骤缩小,洪水流势愈来愈大。Due to the sudden narrowness of the estuary, the flood flowed higher and higher.

小巷虽然狭窄,却拉不住快乐蔓延的速度……Despite the narrowness of lanes, the spreading speed of happiness is not decreased.

作者通过艰难的思考和创作最终超越了自己家园意识的狭隘性。Lu Yao finally surpasses the narrowness of his homeland consciousness after tough thinking and hard creation.

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实际上,许多高管同时在多家公司董事会任职,这只会让商业领袖的人才库日益枯竭。The fact that many executives serve on multiple boards only reinforces the narrowness of the business leader pool.

就在这狭小的里间,还被两张床占去了几乎所有空间,只留下不足一面桌子大小的地方。Two beds taking up nearly the whole space, the narrowness of this house could even barely allow a small area for a table.

本文就我国医疗保障存在的覆盖范围狭小的问题进行分析,并提出改进建议。This paper on China's medical insurance coverage of the narrowness of the analysis and make recommendations for improvement.

但是我们要通过慈悲的对话让他人放弃狂热和心胸狭隘。We will, however, help others renounce fanaticism and narrowness through practicing deeply and engaging in compassionate dialogue.

学者表示,腰围是判断女人生育能力高低和健康与否的标志,腰部的纤细程度决定了女人对男人诱惑的程度,男人天生偏爱细腰女人。Waistlines, they said, were an easily recognised sign of fertility and health, and men evolved to associate narrowness with desirability.

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美国大量依赖于所得税,更糟糕的是,大量减税措施使税收系统越来越复杂,税基越来越小。The heavy reliance on income taxation is compounded by the narrowness of the tax base, thanks to oodles of complexity-inducing deductions.

美国大量依赖于所得税,由于大量复杂的减税措施,税基的狭小增加了对所得税的高度依赖…The heavy reliance on income taxation is compounded by the narrowness of the tax base, thanks to oodles of complexity-inducing deductions.

并非内罗毕投入的消防车太少,而是通往贫民窟的道路过于狭窄使得消防车难以到达现场灭火。The narrowness of the way into the slum made it hard for the fire brigade to douse the flames, not that Nairobi has much of a fire brigade.

严重的向右倾斜,加上字母的狭细说明他除了有超常的行为,但也有感情抑制力。The strong movement to the right, combined with the narrowness of the letters, show his emotional inhibitions despite his over-the-top behavior.

狭小的生存环境,爱表现的个性,促使东部黑冠长臂猿的数量急剧下降。The narrowness of its ecological niche, combined with its ostentatious behavior has, however, helped to precipitate the cao vit gibbon's sharp decline.

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为人之师必需摒弃分裂,混乱和狭溢的思想状态,首先完全的认识自我,无畏惧的深入观查自己的面俱一—层层被人世经历所程序化的心态。The educator must free himself of his own narrowness and confusion, by knowing himself completely, and be unafraid of looking into his own conditioned mindset.

但作者在创作中让走出家园的人再次回到自己的家园,又流露出路遥家园意识的狭隘性和矛盾性。But the author often lets his protagonists come back to their homeland in a moral level, which shows narrowness and contradictoriness of Lu Yao's homeland consciousness.

也许我更经常提到自己那比其实际价值更加狭隘的局限生活,仅仅看着它们坐在那儿,等待着我,我就感到幸福不已。And while I may speak more about the narrowness of my very circumscribed life than their real worth, just the fact that they're sitting there, waiting for me, makes me happy.