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牛油树成长了!Grow an Avocado Tree!

我每天吃半个鳄梨。I eat half an avocado every day.

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做一个黄瓜牛油果美容面膜Make a Cucumber Avocado Facial Mask

现在就来种一棵小油梨树吧。It’s now time to plant the young avocado tree.

南美人推荐您涂抹点鳄梨。South Americans recommend smearing an avocado.

每天都吃有机肉、鱼和一个鳄梨。I eat an avocado a day and organic meat and fish.

我想这个眼霜能够替代Kiehl’s的牛油果眼霜。I think this will replace my Kiehl's Avocado cream.

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我们生产墨西哥高品质的新鲜哈斯鳄梨。We produce Mexican best quality fresh Hass avocado.

米糠,有机野玫瑰果油,鳄梨。Rice Bran , Certified Organic Rosehip Oil , Avocado.

牛油果也非常营养,但是卡路里含量也很高。Avocado is highly nutritious, but also high in calories.

鳄梨含有一种单不饱和脂肪酸,就是通常所说的油酸。Avocado contains a monounsaturated fat known as oleic acid.

把鳄梨去皮切薄片,和豆瓣菜一起放入碗中。Peel and slice the avocado and add to bowl with watercress.

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含有荷荷巴油及牛油果油之丰富滋润成分。Contains rich emollients found in jojoba oil and avocado oil.

番茄凉菜汤,清蒸扇贝,鳄梨和莱姆沙拉。Chilled tomato gazpacho, poached scallop, avocado &lime salad.

牛油果纵切对半去核。勺出牛油果肉放入碗里。Use a spoon to scoop out the avocado flesh and place in a bowl.

有机玫瑰果油,椰子果,鳄梨,橄榄。Certified Organic Rosehip Oil , Coconut Fruit , Avocado , Olive.

为将鳄梨切成相同尺寸的块状而设计的实用工具。Useful tool designed for cutting uniform-sized cubes of avocado.

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鳄梨这种水果,是单一不饱和脂肪的健康来源。Avocado is a fruit that is a healthy source of monounsaturated fat.

我也爱吃就着柠檬汁、鳄梨和杏仁的发芽蔬菜。I also love sprouted legumes with lemon juice, avocado and almonds.

如果你实在想念奶酪融化时的滋味,可以加一片鳄梨代替。Or add a slice of avocado if you miss the creaminess of melted cheese.