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你现在需要一个真正的独轮车。You are going to need a real wheelbarrow.

他把一辆手推车推到了后院。He trundled a wheelbarrow to the backyard.

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我们为你的牙齿准备独轮车!We can bring my wheelbarrow for your teeth!

医生,医生,人们说我是个独轮手推车。Doctor, doctor, people tell me I'm a wheelbarrow.

我穿上笨重的鞋,推出了我的手推车。I put on heavy shoes and rolled out my wheelbarrow.

那园丁在小径上推著一辆独轮手推车。The gardener trundled a wheelbarrow along the path.

我用撬棍把它撬松然后抬到手推车上。I pried it loose with a crowbar and hoisteditinto the wheelbarrow.

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我用撬棍把它撬松,然后搬到了手推车里。I pried it loose with a crowbar and hoisted it into the wheelbarrow.

就在这儿时,他们看见了火烈鸟推着一车花走过来。At that moment they saw a flamingo coming along pushing a wheelbarrow full of flowers.

配有容量为5立方尺的独轮手推车,效率高,仅3分钟就可解决问题。Vacuum instead of shoveling, and fill a 5 cubic foot wheelbarrow in less than 3 minutes!

从这一点积蓄,我做独轮车,我将聘请到手推车顶推船,她说。From that savings, I made wheelbarrows that I would hire to wheelbarrow pushers, she says.

一个星期后,她死于艾滋,她的尸体被一辆手推车运到了公共的墓地。A week later, she died of AIDS and her body was taken in a wheelbarrow to a communal grave.

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一直到了男人退休的那一天,他仍然和往常一下来到警卫处,只是这次推小推车。On the day of his retirement the man came to the guard as usual but without the wheelbarrow.

现在我把小推车送你了,我相信你会回赠给我一些花的。And now as I have given you my wheelbarrow , I am sure you will give me some flowers in return.

这一天剩下的时间,杰米和妈妈都在除杂草,他们还把割下的草堆进了手推车里。For the rest of the day Jaimie and her mother pulled weeds and piled cut grass into the wheelbarrow.

人们确信,火药和手推车是在六、七世纪时发明的。The invention of gunpowder and the wheelbarrow is believed to date from the sixth or seventh century.

而且现在我已经把我的小推车给了你,我相信你一定乐意给我一些花作回报的。And now, as I have given you my wheelbarrow , I am sure you would like to give me some flowers in return.

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有一个来自南京的朋友对我特别好,她通过一个熟人找到了一辆拉煤的小板车。My friend from Nanking, she was so good to me. She bribed a man to steal a wheelbarrow used to haul coal.

至于那地方的风景,我却也保留住了,后来我每年都得到丰收,却不需要独轮车来载走。But I retained the landscape, and I have since annually carried off what it yielded without a wheelbarrow.

这个年青女孩本是乌干达乡下的一个水果摊贩,创事业之初仅有一个独轮手推车。As a young woman, she started as a fruit trader in her Ugandan village, operating out of a single wheelbarrow.