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本次航班到达温尼伯的飞行时间是45分钟。Our flying time to Winnipeg is 45 minutes.

在温尼泊春季缓缓地向我们走来。Spring is slowly coming to us here in Winnipeg.

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欢迎大家乘坐飞往温尼伯国际机场的333次航班。Welcome to Flight 333 to Winnipeg International Airport.

8月26日,这起意外事故发生在一架从加拿大首都渥太华飞往该国马尼托巴省温尼伯市的民航班机上。The incident occurred aboard a flight from Ottawa to Winnipeg Saturday.

欢迎大家乘坐飞往温尼伯国际机场的333次航班。This is Captain Marconi speaking. to Flight 333 to Winnipeg International Airport.

当我从小镇搬到大城市温尼伯市,我变得更加合群了。I became a lot more social when I moved from my smaller town to the larger city of Winnipeg.

她妈妈给温尼伯速度滑冰俱乐部打电话,得知那里有一个春季训练营。Her mother called the Winnipeg Speed Skating Club and found out there was a spring training camp.

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该频道从设在多伦多,哈利法克斯,温尼伯和卡尔加里的工作室播放新闻简报。This channel broadcasts news bulletins from studios located in Toronto, Halifax, Winnipeg and Calgary.

威尼坡项目的主要目的是激发学生对发明创造的强烈愿望。The Winnipeg Project mainly aimed at inspiring a strong desire for discovery on the part of the students.

温尼伯是政府所在地,家里的立法议会的马尼托巴省和省法院。Winnipeg is the seat of government, home to the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba and the Provincial Court.

威斯康辛增加了13天,加拿大的温尼佩市跟塞斯卡特分别增加了25和27天。LaCrosse, Wisc. has added 13 days, Winnipeg and Saskatoon in Canada have added 25 and 27 days, respectively.

冰球的温尼伯喷气机队成为了菲尼克思丛林狼队,橄榄球联盟的田纳西州巨人队成为了休斯敦涂油者队。Ice hockey's Winnipeg Jets became the Phoenix Coyotes, while the NFLâ s Tennessee Titans used to be the Houston Oilers.

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分叉位于十字路口的思尼伯河和红河,在温尼伯市中心。The Forks is located at the intersection of the Assiniboine River and the Red River, in the heart of downtown Winnipeg.

达美乐披萨在1983年攻进了国际市场,在美国以外的地方成立第一家国外的分店,就是在加拿大的温尼伯。It entered the international market in 1983 with its first store outside the United States, which was in Winnipeg , Canada.

温尼伯校区现禁止所有学校团体使用该营舍和另外三所基督教营舍。The winnipeg school district has now forbidden all school groups from using camp arnes as well as three other christian camps.

温尼泊曼尼托巴大学停车位出租,价格面议,有意者请打204-294-8058,204-298-8058是错的,我刚才打错了。Winnipeg university of Manitoba parking rent, price negotiable, please 204-294-8058, 204-298-8058 is wrong, I just dozen wrong.

加拿大马尼托巴省西南部一城市,位于温尼伯西部阿西尼博因河畔。是工业和交通中心。人口3',242。A city of southwest Manitoba, Canada, on the Assiniboine River west of Winnipeg. It is an industrial and transportation center. Population, 3', 242.

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布兰登加拿大马尼托巴省西南部一城市,位于温尼伯西部阿西尼博因河畔。是工业和交通中心。人口36,242。A city of southwest Manitoba, Canada, on the Assiniboine River west of Winnipeg. It is an industrial and transportation center. Population, 36, 242.

他会弄来一辆车,浩浩荡荡地把咱们温尼伯这块儿大约30号球迷载到球场,比赛完了再把一车人带回来。He organized a bus that picked up about 30 fans from the area of Winnipeg in which we lived, drove us to the game and then back home again afterwards.

温尼伯脊医所提供的即内核的有识之士昨天他在研讨会上,加拿大的积极性作为部分的温哥华9月11日真理的会议。The Winnipeg chiropractor offered that kernel of insight yesterday during his seminar on Canadian activism as part of the Vancouver 9-11 Truth Conference.