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这把锄头太笨。This is an awkward hoe.

这把锄我使着很对劲儿。This hoe suits me very well.

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我愿在田里锄地。I'd like to hoe in the field.

另一把锄头奶奶正在用呢!Grandma is using the other hoe.

手把花锄出绣窗。Take the flower hoe go outside.

我拿着锄头来锄草。Let me weed the ground with a hoe.

草民只愿说他是怎麽活的。I would only tell you hoe did he live.

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荷锄归去掩重门。Take hoe back and cover the heavy door.

用你们的铁铲、锄把、铧犁。With plough and spade, and hoe and loom.

手把花锄出绣闱,忍踏落花来复去。Hoe in hand she steps through her portal.

今天给小麦松土除草,明天锄棉花。Hoe the wheat today, and the cotton tomorrow.

过了一阵子,邻居和亲属们也就不再拦着她了。After a while neighbors and kin just let her hoe.

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我得喂鸡,还得为马铃薯锄草。I have to feed the chickens and hoe the potatoes.

也有的人家用高粱秸做两把锄头插在饭上。Also some people with sorghum stalks do two hoe in rice.

提出用全息元件实现变形分数傅里叶变换。Implementation of anamorphic FRT using HOE is presented.

这位老农民肩扛锄头朝田里走去。The old farmer walked towards the field, hoe on shoulder.

因此,我们的老师和学生今天下午就去拔草了。Therefore, our teachers and students hoe the field today.

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我宁愿在花园里锄草,不愿在运动场上跑来跑去。I would rather hoe in the garden than run on the playground.

旧时的这一天,妇女们会将果园的杂草锄掉,在每棵果树四周松土。Women used to hoe up weeds and loosen the soil around each tree.

“我不知道一个人怎样来抚养克里斯蒂,”他担忧地说道。“ I don’t know hoe I’m going to raise Kristen alone, ”he worried.