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对的,然后她改换了和自己结婚的品牌。Bingo, he or she changes spousal brands.

另外,她也要求从帕克那里获得离婚赡养费。She is also seeking spousal support from Parker.

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结果表明“任何一个我们看起来细微的行为都对我们的配偶有很大影响。”In every single behavior we looked at, there was a big spousal effect.

来自医疗部门的报告指出,在回来的这些人中,家庭暴力和虐待儿童的比例正在显著上升。Health officials report a huge increase in spousal and child abuse by returning vets.

配偶的复仇“是最罕见的杀子形式,即被父亲或母亲谋杀。Spousal revenge "is the most rare form of filicide, the murder of a child by a parent.

婚姻保护法禁止州内婚礼从成为同性伴侣那儿获得好处。The Defense of Marriage Act prevents federal spousal benefits from going to same-sex couples.

菲利普・史密斯上月底要求与特蕾西亚离婚,理由是这些在网上被观看了超过400万次的视频已经构成了对配偶的虐待。Philip Smith is now divorcing her, claiming she engaged in spousal abuse by airing the YouTube videos.

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这是一种熟悉、忠诚的伴侣的爱,即众所周知的夫妻之爱。This is the love of familiar, committed partners, variously known as conjugal, married, or spousal love.

夫妻间有关是否该掀起马桶座圈的长期论战也许要以男方的胜利而告终了,而这都是为了孩子着想。One of the longest-running spousal debates may now be settled in favor of men and for the sake of little boys.

在族谱上我们知道的唯一的配偶间的年龄差是西历厄斯父母的,他们之间相差四岁。The only spousal age difference that is demonstrated on the chart is for Sirius's parents, who were four years apart.

因为患者的爱人份得一点医学,怀贬息的是急性胰膝炎。Because of a patient's spousal share medicine, what the bosom censures the rest is the acute pancreas knee inflammation.

偶然的夫妻争吵,一个不听话的孩子或唠叨的婆婆都促成压力。The occasional spousal spat, a teenager who refuses to cooperate or a nagging mother-in-law can all contribute to stress.

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我们需要把未达法定年龄的性行为、被迫婚姻、配偶虐待以及子女虐待和多配偶制婚姻本身仔细地区分开来。We need to be careful to distinguish under-age sex, forced marriage, spousal abuse and child abuse from polygamy , itself.

“人们都希望延年益寿,”已经在夫妇争吵对健康的影响议题上研究了30多年的哈勃格说道。"We're all interested in longevity, " says Harburg, who's studied the health effects of spousal sparring for over 30 years.

家庭。偶然夫妻吵嘴、不听话的十来岁孩子、唠叨的丈母娘,这些都会促成压力。Family. The occasional spousal spat, a teenager who refuses to cooperate or a nagging mother-in-law can all contribute to stress.

他们在家庭婚姻诊所,戒毒康复中心,安息医疗计划中心和为遭到配偶虐待的受害者所设立的庇护所等地方工作。They work in family and marriage clinics, drug rehabilitation centers, hospice programs, shelters for victims of spousal abuse, etc.

调查发现,说到婚姻中的角色和婚前同居的问题时,年轻人观念更加开放。Young adults also tend to have more liberal attitudes when it comes to spousal roles and living together before marriage, the survey found.

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然而去超市逛逛,你却极少发现能有一双适宜在结婚仪式上空的合适婚礼鞋。Go to a supermarket rambling however, you seldom discover however can one pair is in aptly spousal the appropriate and bridal shoe in the sky.

这个布景纪念的是书中农奴革命的失败,婚礼上的枪支暴力以及一位负债累累婚姻不幸的主人公。The play features down on their luck peasants, gun violence at weddings and a main character who's deep in debt and has some spousal difficulties.

所以你停止这些罪孽,如屈服于可卡因,整夜酗酒,抢劫,虐待配偶,说谎,欺骗,偷窃等等,不胜枚举。So you knock off the big sins such as crack cocaine, all night drunken stupers, robbery, spousal abuse, lying, cheating, stealing, the list goes on and on.