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你真有事业心。You are really career minded.

肯定都是些心胸狭窄的人。Small minded people to be sure.

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也许他太狭隘了。Maybe he was too narrow- minded.

我是一个诚实,善良,没有门户之见的人。I am an honest and kind minded man.

结果导向和商业头脑。Result-oriented and business minded.

不,她小气,心胸狭窄,又拔扈。No, she is stingy, narrow- minded and bossy.

心怀二意的人,在他一切所行的路上,都没有定见。A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.

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你可以在一种渴望的状态下保持单向的意识。You can be very single- minded in a state of lust.

现在,甚至高尚的西方倡仪都会引起猜疑。Even high- minded Western initiatives now arouse suspicion.

你必须要有坚强的意志,只有这样你才能生存。So you have to have very stong minded then you could survive.

别跟他较劲了。他是一根筋,你还不知道?Stop reasoning with him. Don't you know he is one track minded?

万物的结局近了。所以你们要谨慎自守,儆醒祷告。Therefore be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray.

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这类工作与公司的业务相距甚远,因此没人介意。This was so far from what the company was doing that nobody minded.

明天上午我们要赶火车,来不了了,我走出售票处时想找个人拳打脚踢发泄一下。We have a train to catch. I exit the office minded to kick someone.

如果她爸的嘲笑对象是她妈,帕蒂就不怎么介意了。Patty minded his ridiculing less when her mother was the butt of it.

他连北京在那里也不知道,他就是这样的愚昧无知。He is so simple minded that he does not know the whereabout of Beijing.

你狭隘的心胸和思想会局限你的选择。Your one-track minded thinking will leave you with very little options.

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如果你是单身,你应该让自己的身边不乏有思想的人。If you are single, you should surround yourself with like minded people.

可笑啊,南方依旧是一个顽固的、充满仇恨的、心胸狭窄的地方。Funny that the South is still a bigoted, hate filled, small minded place.

真可笑。希望印度懂得和志同道合的美国紧密联系。Hilarious. Hope India has the common sense to tie up with like minded US.