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她是一首未完的诗。She is an unfinished poem.

你还有未竟的事业?Have you got some unfinished business?

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大多数的珠宝都是未加工完全的。Most of the jewelry is left unfinished.

恨是爱的未竟事业。Hate is the unfinished business of love.

大堰河,在她的梦没有做醒的时候已死了。Dayanhe had died in her unfinished dream.

我讨厌让未做完的工作使我牵肠挂肚。I hate to have unfinished work hanging over me.

一个破旧的吸引力略有未完成的边缘。Slightly unfinished edges for a worn-in appeal.

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基辅规模最大的未完工的建筑之一。One of the biggest unfinished buildings in Kiev.

这位未完的清单已经令人郁闷地长。That unfinished list is already depressingly long.

还有些未完成的事需要处理。There is still some unfinished business to settle.

我们停留在那年未完的夏天。We have stayed in that year for unfinished summer.

这部分要归结于一些未竟的事业。Part of the explanation lies in unfinished business.

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画完了直接一打印,又清晰又美观。An unfinished print of a direct, clear and beautiful.

印度的改革之路还很长。The list of unfinished reforms in India remains long.

新天鹅堡是德国路易二世一个未完成的梦。Swan new Fort Louis II, Germany is an unfinished dream.

世界上没有未完的故事,只有未死的心。No unfinished story in the world, not only the dead heart.

一件未完成的刺绣品放在其中一把椅子上。A unfinished piece of embroidery laid on one of the chairs.

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换句话说,数据库不能处于未完成状态。In other words, a database can't be in an unfinished state.

雅各说,忍耐是防止半途而废的妙法。Perseverance is the antidote for unfinished work, James says.

在中国语境里,启蒙是中国未竟之事业。Context in China, is China's Enlightenment unfinished business.