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由于孔深。Due to hole depth.

这是个什么洞?What is this hole?

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一个通气孔的部份。A part of Air hole.

埃尔戈,一个黑洞。Ergo, a black hole.

他挖了一个深洞。He dug a deep hole.

这土穴是空的。The hole was empty.

这是几杆洞?Which hole is this?

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这是蚂蚁洞。This is an ant hole.

他跳进了一个洞中。He bounces into a hole.

咱们把这个洞塞上。Let's fill in the hole.

大尺寸井眼就需要双泵。To drill big size hole.

非常大的一个豁口。A great big gaping hole.

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这一洞的的标准杆是四杆。This is a par-four hole.

他对第18穴打出超过规定球次数的一击。He bogeyed the 18th hole.

我又掉进坑了,都成习惯了。I fall in the hole again.

这上面烫了个大洞!There's a big hole in it!

狗正在用爪子挖洞。The dog is clawing a hole.

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他可以把钱埋进一个坑里。He could bury it in a hole.

他查看了另一个洞。He looks into another hole.

下扩眼器到海底。Run hole opener to sea bed.