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此刻飞机正准备在马拉加机场着陆。Now it was ready for landing on Malaga airport.

当我们到达马拉加机场时,已经是晚上9点了。When we arrived Malaga airport, it was already 9pm.

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马拉加是个可爱的城市,建筑物都很美丽。Malaga is a lovely city and the architecture is beautiful.

现在我们在马拉加机场等候飞往慕尼黑的航班。Now we were waiting for our flight to Munich at Malaga airport.

在马拉加阿尔加罗沃一处农场里,山羊在吃被人丢弃的黄瓜。Goats eat discarded cucumbers at a farm in Algarrobo, near Malaga.

2008年10月11日,马拉加,人们面向海面观看海浪碎岸。People watch as waves crash against the seafront in Malaga October 11, 2008.

西班牙有支叫马拉加的球队被报道热衷于在一月份租借我军的瑞恩巴贝尔。Spanish side Malaga are reportedly keen on signing Ryan Babel on loan in January.

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他记起在他的故乡马拉加进行的一场足球比赛,那次他的腿骨骨折了。He was 11 of the time he broke his leg during a football match in his native Malaga.

耶罗还说他也在考虑为自己家乡球队马拉加效力的可能。He added that he has considered the possibility of playing for his home town team Malaga.

他已经收到了一些来自西班牙的收购请求,其中最积极的是马拉加和巴拉多利德。He has offers from Spain and the clubs that have shown most interest are Malaga and Valladolid.

瓦伦西亚队如果在周四击败马拉加队,他们就可以取代比利亚雷亚尔队排名榜首。Valencia can move level on points with tabletoppers Villarreal if they defeat Malaga on Thursday.

据马拉加报道他们已经与利物浦就法国门将伊坦杰达成转会协议。Malaga are reported to have made contact with Liverpool in regards to French keeper Charles Itandje.

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加的斯、马拉加和格林纳达和非洲之间隔着直布罗陀海峡,所以他们受到穆斯林的影响。Cadiz, Malaga , and Granada are across the Straights of Gibraltar from Africa , so they have Moslem influence.

在马拉加机场营运的航空公司提供各式各样的飞机往返目的地全世界。Airlines operating at the Malaga airport offer a wide variety of flights to and from destinations around the world.

虽然马拉加是欧洲最受欢迎的机场,马拉加本身正在越来越看,现在作为旅游地点。Although Malaga is one of Europe's most popular airports, Malaga itself is being seen more now as tourist location.

除了阿姆斯特丹和巴塞罗那,爱尔兰航空还飞往伦敦的希思罗机场、日内瓦、法鲁、马拉加、布达佩斯和罗马。In addition to Amsterdam and Barcelona, Aer Lingus will serve London Heathrow, Geneva, Faro, Malaga , Budapest and Rome.

最终马拉加2-1力克巴拉多利德,取得赛季首个进球的同时收获首场胜利。Final Malaga 2-1 overcome Para multi- Lieder , obtains the season first goal at the same time to harvest the first victory.

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我相信如果我去一个游客少的城市,这些将会改变。但是现在我住在马拉加。I'm sure that would change if I would go to a city that was less touristy, but at the moment I really like living in Málaga.

是一个私人的语言培训机构,该机构成立于1990年,学校分别位于马德里,巴塞罗那,马拉加和马罗卡。"Idiomas Plus" is a private institution established 1990 teaching Spanish in Madrid, Barcelona, Malaga and Mallorca in Spain.

或许你们也可以组织一下,为整个马拉加或马德里小中心找个英文老师来教小孩,或是你们自己都可以学。Maybe you can organize something like one English teacher for the whole Malaga or Madrid Centers, for your kids or for yourself.