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他总是穿戴整齐。He always dresses neatly.

他不久前刚侥幸脱险。He had just escaped neatly.

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这把扇子摺不上了。This fan doesn't furl neatly.

你的工作整洁地呈现了吗?。Has your work been present neatly?

孩子们必须学会整洁地写字。Children must learn to write neatly.

干净整齐地把前十行抄出来。Copy out the first ten lines neatly.

每天早上,要把头发分梳好。Part your hair neatly every morning.

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果实梨形,黄白皮,皮毛好,整齐。Fruit pear-shaped, fur, yellow, neatly.

他的论文总是附有眉目清楚的摘要。His papers were always neatly docketed.

他的靴子很小,用黑靴油擦得很亮。His boots were small and neatly blacked.

他的靴子很小,用黑靴油擦得很亮。His boots were small and neatly blacked.

画图纸被整齐地划成方格。The drawing paper is neatly squared off.

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请把字写得工整些,以便我能认识。Please write neatly so that I can ead it.

水果全都整整齐齐地排列在盒子里。All fruits were ranked neatly in the boxes.

在拉霍伊先生面前清晰地排好一条星光大道。The stars have aligned neatly for Mr Rajoy.

他们住在安排整洁的小房屋里。They lived in neatly arranged little houses.

这回他送给三毛一颗包装精美的炮弹头。He gifts to Sanmao a neatly packed shell head.

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我感受它使我的胃、肠要分家了。It neatly disunited my stomach and intestines.

水手们知道该怎样把长绳子卷紧卷好。Sailors know how to wind up a long rope neatly.

她把商品整整齐齐地排列在橱窗里。She ranged the goods neatly in the shop window.