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缅甸剃。Burma Shave.

缅甸与印度毗邻。Burma borders on India.

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英帝国残暴地攻击印度和缅甸。Imperial Britain savaged India and Burma.

世卫将协助重建缅甸医疗设施WHO to Rebuild Health Facilities in Burma

缅元是缅甸的基本货币单位。Kyat is a basic unit of currency in Burma.

潘基文将于星期四和星期五访问缅甸。Mr. Ban will be in Burma on Thursday and Friday.

赛登温说,“缅甸想拥有火箭和核弹头。Burma wants to have rockets and nuclear warheads.

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就我们所知他们使用的一种树脂只在缅甸存在。One resin they used we know only existed in Burma.

产于中国南部和缅甸大型黄色和黑色貂。Large yellow and black marten of s china and burma.

这名官员表示,美国还希望讨论朝鲜和缅甸问题。The US also wants to discuss North Korea and Burma.

自从1960年代初以来军人一直统治缅甸。The military has ruled Burma since the early 1960s.

这就是缅甸所有冲突爆发的根本原因。These are the root causes of the conflict in Burma.

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在缅甸战役中,印军首当其冲。Indian troops bore the brunt of the Burma campaigns.

它位于缅甸,而且是在巴嘎建立起来的第一座城市。It is situated in Burma as the original city of Baga.

心型缅甸玉坠鍊,珠宝师工艺手工精镶顶级晶钻。Burma Jadeite heart pendant inlaid with shiny crystals.

滇缅公路、史迪威公路穿境而过。Burma Road and Stilwell Road go through the boundary lines.

她是缅甸各族联邦的坚定支持者。She was known as a staunch supporter of federalism in Burma.

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父亲的童年过得非常艰苦,并且他还战争时期在布尔马效力过。He had a tough upbringing and fought in Burma during the war.

翡翠是一种硬玉,主要产于缅甸。The jadeite is a kind of jadeite , mainly producing in burma.

缅甸炮兵营使用110毫米和105毫米重型迫击炮。Burma artillery battalions use 110 mm and 105 mm heavy mortar.