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后缘是全翼展的方向舵。The after skirt is the entire wingspan rudder.

MQ1掠夺者A型的翼展为55英尺。The wingspan of an MQ1 Predator A model is 55ft.

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他站直身长6英尺4英寸,双臂伸张近80英尺。He stands 6-4 with a wingspan of nearly 80 inches.

它有一个小孩的手翼展同等学历。It has a wingspan equivalent to the hand of a child.

两个基路伯的翅膀共长二十肘。The total wingspan of the cherubim was twenty cubits.

这个长达11.6米的X-47B翼展18.9米。The 11.6 meter-long X-47B has a wingspan of 18.9 meters.

如果会飞的话,它的翼展有可能超过13英尺。If it flew, its wingspan is likely to have exceeded 13 feet.

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“扫描鹰”无人机翼展为10英尺,重40磅。The ScanEagle has a 10-foot wingspan and weighs about 40 pounds.

这只红喉鹦身长15厘米,翼展27厘米,喉咙和胸部皆呈赤褐色。It is about 15 centimeters in length with a wingspan of 27 centimeter.

塑料带子从盆骨连到我的每个手臂,使我的手臂难以伸展。Plastic bands, running from the harness to each arm, clip my wingspan.

这只红喉鹨身长约15厘米,翼展27厘米,喉咙和胸部皆呈赤褐色。It is about 15 centimeters in length with a wingspan of 27 centimeters.

体型不只包括体长,还包括翼展、羽长。Size is more than just body length, but also wingspan and feather length.

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但他们从未丢失过一架有着66英尺翼展的“收割者”。But they had never before lost one of the Reapers, with its 66-foot wingspan.

翼宽只有4厘米,它是英国蓝蝶中最大与最稀少的。With a wingspan of only 4cm, it's the largest and rarest British blue butterfly.

这架飞机的翼展约120米,能携带22名乘客,外加行李。The plane had a wingspan of 400 feet, and could carry 22 passengers plus baggage.

这样的变化将会改变升力在整个翼面上的分布状况。This change redistributes the balance of lifting forces along the entire wingspan.

轰炸机有翼展超过165米,在空中客车A380的两倍,所以它是很多的。The bomber has a wingspan of 165m, over twice that of the Airbus A380, so it is vast.

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打开双翼的鸟掌龙有40英尺长,相当一部小型飞机的长度。Ornithocheirus boasted a wingspan of 40 feet, equivalent to that of a small aeroplane.

皇蛾是世界上体型最大的蛾类之一,翅展可以达到20-30厘米。Petersburg, Russia. Attacus atlas moths could have a wingspan of 20 to 30 centimeters.

在所有北美洲的鸟类中,其翼幅最宽,同时也是最重的鸟类之一。It has the largest wingspan of any bird found in North America and is one of the heaviest.