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他被授予骑士绶带。He was belted a knight.

他是个懦弱的骑士。He is a recreant knight.

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那位骑士的枪头是横刺而折的。The knight broke across.

每匹马只属于一个骑士。A horse belongs to a knight.

国王封汤姆为爵士。The king dubbed Tom a knight.

暗夜骑士太恐怖了!Dark night knight also terror!

黑骑士永不言败。The Black Knight never gives up.

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骑士拔出了他的剑。The knight unsheathed his sword.

他曾是一个著名的游侠。He was a well-known errant knight.

我封你为威廉姆华莱士爵士。I knight thee Sire William Wallace.

骑士叩谢国王恩典。The knight gave thanks to the king.

先向我的骑士说声生日快乐。Happy birthday to my knight Syaoran.

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我移动了我的骑士来保护我的国王。I move my knight to protect my king.

真正的骑士可以以一当十。A true knight is worth ten guardsmen.

兰斯洛特同意将他培养为骑士。Lancelot agreed to make him a knight.

这骑士像眼下就放在索尼埃的办公桌上!The knight sitting on Saunière's desk!

一名没有高贵战马的骑士是什么样子?What's a knight without a noble steed?

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骑士喝干了他最后的啤酒。The knight drained the last of his ale.

骑士仍然握着他那把断了的剑。The knight yet grasped his break press.

阿尔摩利卡骑士团成员。A member of the Amorika Knight Battalion.